Reception Parents Meeting Wednesday 25th June 2014 Welcome to Sandygate A Christian community learning together in love, hope and friendship. Reception Parents Meeting Wednesday 25th June 2014
What motivates us at Sandygate... Love for children Pleasure in seeing the enjoyment children have in their learning Making sure that each child reaches their full potential
The EYFS team Mrs Johnson Miss O’Neill Mrs Howarth Mrs White Mrs Van Eden Mrs Sam
Home and School is a partnership Together we will ensure that each child has... Love and care Physical contact and comfort Security and stability Nutrition warmth and protection Friends Play exploration and manage risks Education Expectation Values and purpose in life Attendance
How we help you to prepare for your child starting school
Transition afternoons Information pack Transfer morning All about me preparation activities Home Visits
Information Pack Designed to provide you with all the relevant information to enable you to feel confident in understanding how we operate at school What you can expect to experience What is expected of the children and of you as parents Forms which MUST be completed are in the back of the pack
Your time will be in your information pack Transfer morning All children come into school to spend the morning in their new classes. This will help them to become familiar with the adults and the environment. July 2nd 2014 9.15 9.30 9. 45 Your time will be in your information pack Bring your child in and drop them off Pick up at 12 noon from classroom (Use the Foundation Stage sliding doors not the main school entrance
All about me preparation activities Complete the ‘All about me’ pack with your child This will allow your child’s teacher to have a better initial understanding of your child’s starting point It is important that this is an honest reflection if what your child is able to do as the teachers use this to plan early lessons Return to school by Wednesday 23rd July
Home Visits For the first time we are offering Home Visits this year These visits allow the teaching team to see your child in their own environment Your chance to share any information about your child on a 1:1 basis with those involved in your child’s learning Each visit is only about 20 minutes These visits will take place between Wednesday 3rd September – Friday 5th September Monday 8th – Wednesday10th September Please complete the form if you are interested and return to school by Monday 30th June
How to prepare your child for school
Activities to do at home... Sharing books, talking about the pictures Ongoing-encourage mark making, shopping lists etc. Encourage children to talk. Lots of counting! Practise counting at any time- climbing the stairs, shopping, house numbers… Play simple board games Sing number rhymes and songs together
Key dates - Wednesday 3rd July 4pm – 6.30pm To help you and your child with preparing for and settling into school: Open evening - Wednesday 3rd July 4pm – 6.30pm Foundation Stage curriculum evening - Wednesday 24th September Back to school barbecue Meet the Teacher Other suggestions Picnics with classmates during the summer
What do I need to remember... Uniform Red sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo Grey shorts or skirt Red summer dress for girls Black shoes All in one suits for outdoor play A pair of wellies to stay in school PE kit (details in parent pack) Please ensure that names are in EVERYTHING!!! Send coats EVERYDAY Sensible shoes and no jewellery
What happens when my child starts school?
Organisation Starting Thursday September 11th Staggered drop off times 9. 15 9. 30 9.45 Pick up at 12 noon from sliding doors Friday September 12th onwards Drop off at sliding doors from 8.45am Pick up from chosen gate at either 12 noon or 3.15
Organisation ….. All children stay for 5 mornings 8.45am -12noon Choose the number of afternoons 3 or 5 Afternoon ends at 3.15pm Pick up from chosen gate We will allocate days according to staffing levels Complete the form with the number of afternoons and return by 1st July We will let you know which afternoons you have been given by Monday 7th July
Organisation ….. Full Time/ Part time All full time by January 2015 Increase the number of afternoons at the end of October half term All full time by January 2015
A typical day in reception 8.45 Welcome and self register. 9.00-9.15- Assembly 9:15 – 9:20 – Dough disco 9.20-9.30 - Input 9.30-11.00 – Play learning, adult led activities 10.00 – Open snack area 11.10-11:30-Phonics 11:30-12:00-Story, Interventions, getting ready for lunch 12:00-1.15 Lunch 1.15- Registration 1.20-2.30 Play learning, guided reading, adult led activities 2.45 Tidy away, story and Home Time @3.15.
Communication with teachers Morning drop off End of the day Make informal appointment By phone or email (via the office email address) Formal parent consultations – details in September Meet the teacher session
Lunchtimes From September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 in England will be eligible for Free School Meals We have been providing Hot school meals in school for nearly 2 years using a catering company called Dolce Please supply your details so that you can be registered for an account This will enable you to order food from home
Attendance It is really important that your child attends school at the times and days agreed until their 5th birthday From their 5th birthday it is your legal obligation to ensure that your child attends school full time In the pack the procedures for reporting sickness are detailed along with the difference between authorised and unauthorised absences
Attendance Poor attendance can seriously affect each child’s:- attainment in school relationships with other children and their ability to form lasting friendships confidence to attempt new work and work alongside others relationships with teachers and other school staff general behaviour towards others and equipment
What learning looks like in reception...
Early Years Foundation Stage Hands on learning Fun and creative approach Learning through play Open, fluid learning environment Learning takes place indoors and outdoors 5 dedicated staff 2 registration groups
Early Years Foundation Stage Seven Areas of Learning 3 Prime areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language 4 Specific areas Mathematics Literacy Understanding of the world Art & Design
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Become self-confident and self aware; Making and building relationships Know what their own needs are; Dress and undress independently; Become independent Manage feelings and behavior - tell the difference between right and wrong.
Communication and Language Encourages children to develop conversational skills in a rich language environment and in a range of situations Will help children to develop listening and concentration skills. Enables children to express themselves and understand and act on instructions given to them.
Physical Development Supports children’s healthy development. Provides opportunities for using a range of large and small equipment. Helps them to develop a sense of space around themselves and others. Encourages balance. Develops practical skills such as dressing, undressing etc Handling equipment and tools effectively including pencils for writing. Fine motor skills
Literacy Reading- Continue a rhyming string link sounds and letters Segment sounds in words and blend them Read words and simple sentences Writing- Encourages children to develop pencil control and to begin to make marks on paper. Communicate meaning through clearly identifiable letters Write for a wide range of purpose- name, labels
Mathematical Development Number Helps children to count up to ten and beyond. Supports children's understanding of numbers Shape, space and measure Encourages the use of mathematical words such as greater, smaller, heavier, lighter, more, less etc Develops skills in comparing and sorting objects. Supports children’s understanding of shape and size including 2D and 3D shapes..
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Now it is your turn! Can you identify the areas of the curriculum covered in the video?
We are proud of our children... 2013 – 2014 Reading 96.7% reached expected level 95% more than expected Writing 100% reached the expected level 85% more than expected
We are proud of our children... 2013 – 2014 Number 96.7% reached the expected level 95% more than expected S, S, M 100% reached expected level
Lunch boxes or hot school dinner The First Few Days ... There can be a lot to remember in the first few days, but please do not worry as your child will quickly be teaching you the routines! All clothing named! Gates open at 8:45am Book bag everyday Lunch boxes or hot school dinner
Thank you We look forward to a happy partnership in your child's first year at school and beyond.