Josh Hunsberger
Abstract What is "Hackers of Catron"? Electronic Settlers of Catan® board. Settlers of Catan is a resource gathering and trading board game in which players compete to build the largest economy. What we will improve upon? The game is really fun, but it takes too long to set up. We will shorten the setup process. Make resource gathering and spending automatic. This project intends to simplify the execution of Catan without adding more complexity.
Block Diagram Addr - 3 Single Hall Effect Sensor Hall 8:1 MUX Hall (8) Hall Effect Sensors Hall 18 18 Sets Raspberry Pi ll RGB LED Driver AVR32 UC3 B Microcontroller Web Server I2C TWI RGB 3 (3) RGB LEDs 2 2 Economy Control Logic Game Control Code 7 sets (daisy-chained) USB 7 Segment LED Display Driver Dig 8 SPI (8) 7 Segs Wifi Access Point Seg 8 3 Load Enable 5 sets (daisy-chained)
Patent 1: Digitizing apparatus having array of hall effect sensors Filed: Aug 4, 1995 Proposes a system for using an array of hall effect sensors to detect the position of an "actuator" (magnet tipped pen) Possible Infringement Function: Essentially the same Method: Slightly Different (Multiplexed digital sensors vs matrix of analog signals connected to opamps that operate switches. Infringement solution: Wait 2 years for patent expiration
Patent 1: Digitizing apparatus having array of hall effect sensors Individual Sensor Unit
Patent 2: Computerized game board US 5853327 Filed: Feb 21, 1996 Proposes an electronic board game that can sense pieces and respond with visual/audio. No Infringement: Function: Similar, but what is claimed is to detect piece position, movement, direction, and to store that movement. We only detect position. Method: Fundamentally different. What is claimed is a query signal which triggers an appropriate response signal from each piece.
Patent 2: Computerized game board Example of Claimed Function Detection Circuit
Patent 3: Multi-player, multi-screens, electronic gaming platform and system US 8226476 B2 Filed: Nov 4, 2009 Proposes a gaming platform for multiple players using shared and private board space No Infringement: Function: Not the same function, ours is only made for a single game which is not touch-sensitive and we do not allow for connecting additional boards. Method: We do not use an operating system on our game board.