Civil War S3G
Civil War Begins Abraham Lincoln wins presidential election South Carolina Secedes (leaves U.S.) Confederate States of America formed Jefferson Davis becomes president of Confederate States Lincoln=NORTH Davis=SOUTH
STRATEGIES ON BOTH SIDES NORTH SOUTH ANACONDA PLAN: Surround and strangle the south until they gave up Make the North come to them!
First My Ant Gets Very Much Angry Fort Sumter: 1st Battle Manassas: Run to save your ***; Bull run Antietam: (Squish an ant; it’s bloody!) bloodiest one day battle. South invaded the North: Led to Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg: Turning point where North begins to WIN: Gettysburg Address to Union soldiers. Vicksburg: Cuts off Mississippi to South March to the Sea: Total destruction; made the south want war to end Angry: Appomattox Court House; Lee surrenders to Grant
Important Documents Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address: Preserve union or go to war Davis’s First Inaugural Address: Secede or go to war; Based on Declaration of Independence-right to alter or abolish a government Emancipation Proclamation 1862: Greater purpose to war to end slavery in rebelling states; Prevent Europe from helping South; keep border states; African American to fight for North (Eh Man) I’m Free!
Important Documents continued: Gettysburg Address 1863: Dedicate cemetery to Union soldiers who had died. Give meaning; Democracy, Equality (GETon with Equality) Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address: Sins of slavery; Blame the south but need to mend (fix) wounds.
PEOPLE OF THE CIVIL WAR Abraham Lincoln: President of the United States: North (Union) Jefferson Davis: President of the Confederate States: South (Confederacy) Stonewall Jackson: Confederate Commander Robert E. Lee: Southern General Ulysses S. Grant: U.S. General (US Grant)
PEOPLE OF THE CIVIL WAR CONTINUED William Tecumseh Sherman: Union commander: March to the Sea; Will, I am coming Georgia! William Carney: 1st African American Medal of Honor Phillip Bazaar: From Chile: 1st Hispanic American Medal of Honor Clara Barton: American Red Cross: Angel of the Battlefield John Wilkes Booth: Assassinated Lincoln: “BOO for Killing Lincoln”
NORTH V SOUTH PREPAREDNESS Population; Railroads; Canals; Roads; Factory and small farm food; Navy Leadership with Robert E. Lee; Fighting for a cause; North had to invade
South North