Hillside Development Permit 09-38 Planning Commission: 01/12/10 Hillside Development Permit 09-38 Deuk Lee / Oh’s Design & Development 5209 Diamond Point Road
Location and Proposal Hillside Development Permit Slope Factor: 17.34% 30% Roof Removal = New Single-story House
Site Plan and Project Description (E) 1st Floor: 2,211 S.F. Total Floor Area: 3,831 S.F. (E) Garage: 422 S.F. Floor-Area-Ratio: 32.5% 1st Floor Addition: 1,198 S.F. Lot area: 11,790 S.F. Front Porch: 36 S.F. (does not count towards FA) Trellis Patio: 140 S.F. (does not count towards FA)
Setback Encroachment Diagram
Front and Rear Elevations
Side Elevations North South
Cross Sections Added Condition: The attic roof shall be supported by trusses with the bottom chord less than 6 feet above the attic’s finished floor level. The trusses shall be spaced no farther than 4 feet on center.
Recommendations: Based on the previous discussion, staff recommends that the Hillside Development Permit BE APPROVED, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit “A”, attached to the resolution.