You must have used the play and 2 different articles Polishing Your paper Label your sentences 1st paragraph – TQEETQEET 2nd paragraph - TQEETQEE You must have used the play and 2 different articles Period at the end of EVERY bibliography No contractions Circle your linking verbs – can you remove any passive voice Present tense No 1st or 2nd person (I, we, us, me, my, our, you etc) No “This means that…” “This quote supports…” “This furthers my topic…” OR anything remotely similar to this Are your sentences boring or choppy? Remove or change the following words: things, a lot, bad, good, says, stuff, or any other simplistic word Have you created complex analysis? Strive for exemplary. If you have an explanation sentence less than 15 words, you haven’t analyzed enough. Remember – simple writing= simple thoughts= simple grade= C NOW ---- have someone edit you paper who will be honest!
Crafting Titles “Out, out damned spot!”: Downfall of the Macbeths “Double, Double toil and trouble”: The Role and Influence of the Witches Supernatural Elements in The Tragedy of Macbeth “Thou shalt be king hereafter”: The Witches Influence on Macbeth “In my way it lies”: Ruthlessness of Macbeth
Introduction A simple version Hook: Throughout history, high-powered people achieve their success by being ambitious. Within literature, witches have always represented a dark influence. As the old adage goes, “behind every great man, there is a great woman.” TAG: Shakepeare’s play, The Tragedy of Macbeth, chronicles the ambition of a couple/a man/ a woman. The Tragedy of Macbeth, a play by William Shakespeare, has this dark influence. William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Macbeth, has this strong woman, Summary (2-4 sentences): Thesis:
Conclusion Consider your thesis: In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare asserts that the witches play a crucial role. In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare employs the witches in order to predict Macbeth’s fate and to accelerate his destruction. In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare utilizes the witches to function as a prediction of Macbeth’s fate and as a means to his destruction. Think of your thesis like a question (do not write the question in the paper): How do the witches play a crucial role? How are the witches’ predictions used to accelerate Macbeth’s destruction? What is the function of the witches in the play?
March 19 - Edit Check lead-ins If the lead-in is 3 words or fewer, you need to add to the lead-in Are you using 2 different articles PLUS the play? Check parenthetical documentation What is in ( ) must be the first word in the bibliography – either author or article title? Does it look just like what is in the bibliography? Italics, quotation marks, both? Only 1 sentence per letter – T = 1 sentence; E = one sentence Do you have at least 2 types of lead-ins? You must have 1 blended and 1 sentence Are all of your sentences at least 15 words long? When you mention the play, call it The Tragedy of Macbeth. It must be in italics when you type it. Eliminate I, me, you, your, we, us Present tense No contractions Eliminate passive voice – as much as possible
March 18 – Tuesday ELIMINATING “Crutches” and Verb Work Cross out any version of the following This quote means that * This pertains to … This supports my topic/thesis The quote connects to the topic/thesis After crossing out the “crutch,” if your sentence is approximately less than 15 words, you need to rewrite. Circle every verb that is in your paper. DO NOT CIRCLE VERBS IN QUOTE! Change all past tense to present tense. Eliminate as much passive voice as possible. Create exciting verbs. Get rid of any bland, elementary words. BORING… Work on other parts of your paper as needed.
Editing the body paragraphs Topic sentence – Does it tell me what the ENTIRE paragraph is about? Make sure Literary present Lead-ins Documentation for each quote 1st quote – from the play 1st E – plot connection 2nd quote – from the articles 1st E – did you explain how it applies to the plot? 2nd E – did you connect it to your topic?
Mini-Edit Check to make sure you HAVE NOT used any contractions Did you use literary present (present tense)? If not, change verbs to present tense. Check to make sure that you did not use 1st or 2nd person (I, me, my, you, your, we, us, etc.) unless it’s in a quote Do you have slashes between you Shakespearean lines? Is you documentation for the play correct? 2.5.16-17 Have you used only 1 somebody said lead in? If you needed to clarify the quote, did you use brackets [] to make editorial changes in the quotes?
Creating a Thesis Statement Accomplished In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare insert present tense active verb that insert topic of paper. Example: In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare asserts that the witches play a crucial role.
Creating a Thesis Statement Exemplary In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare insert present tense active verb that insert topic of paper in order to _____________. Examples: In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare employs the witches in order to predict Macbeth’s fate and to accelerate his destruction. In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare utilizes the witches to function as a prediction of Macbeth’s fate and as a means to his destruction.
Exemplary Thesis stolen from somewhere While the blood that is shed is a tangible reminder of the outcomes of misused power, it also serves as an image that provokes Macbeth to reflect upon his deeds, even if he does not change his behavior.