Materials for Teaching Agricultural Safety in the College Classroom Hazardous Materials A PowerPoint Presentation keyed to Chapter 9 of Materials for Teaching Agricultural Safety in the College Classroom by Carol J. Lehtola, PhD, and Charles M. Brown Book and more presentations in this series are available on the National Ag Safety Database,
Objectives To identify and understand concepts of hazards related to hazardous materials Hazardous Materials Slide 9.1
Use Categories Application Mixing and Loading Transporting Storing Handling Equipment Maintenance Disposal Hazardous Materials Slide 9.2
Pesticides Insecticides Herbicides Fungicides Rodenticides Fumigants (gases for killing insects and other organisms in a confined space) Hazardous Materials Slide 9.3
Oral Inhalation Dermal Ocular Routes of Entry Oral Inhalation Dermal Ocular Hazardous Materials Slide 9.4
Dermal Rates of Absorption Rates Compared with the Forearm = 1.0 – Palm of hand 1.3 – Abdomen 2.1 – Scalp 3.7 – Forehead 4.2 – Ear canal 5.4 – Groin area 11.8 Hazardous Materials Slide 9.5
Avoiding Exposure Safety systems (closed handling, filtered cabs, etc.) Personal protective equipment Wash hands frequently Discarding contaminated clothing Hazardous Materials Slide 9.6
Toxicity Toxicity is a measure of the ability of a pesticide to cause harmful effects. Factors affecting toxicity – Type and amount of active ingredient, carrier or solvent, and inert contents – Type of formulation Hazardous Materials Slide 9.7
Classes of Health Problems Acute Effects Delayed Effects – Repeat exposures – Single exposure but the reaction occurs later (flu-symptoms) Chronic Effects – Cancers – Changes in genes or chromosomes Hazardous Materials Slide 9.8
Worker Protection Standard (WPS) WPS is a set of regulations from the EPA designed to protect agricultural workers from pesticide exposure. It must be followed when pesticide use is part of the agricultural production of plants on a farm, nursery, or greenhouse. Hazardous Materials Slide 9.9
Know the Law! The label is the law. Hazardous Materials Slide 9.10
Protect Yourself and Others Hazardous Materials Slide 9.11
Identify frequency Identify severity Risk Assessment Identify frequency Identify severity Hazardous Materials Slide 9.12
Safety Hierarchy Eliminate hazard or risk during design Apply safeguarding technology Use warning signs Train and instruct Prescribe personal protective equipment (PPE) Hazardous Materials Slide 9.13
Correction Strategy Examples Eliminate the source Substitute a less hazardous equivalent Remove person from hazard (robots, automation) Isolate the hazard (barricades) Dilute the hazard (ventilation) Hazardous Materials Slide 9.14
Resources AEM link for making your own signs Farm/Agricultural/Rural Management Hazard Analysis Tool (HAT) Hazardous Materials Slide 9.15
Identify the hazards in the following series of slides. Examples of Hazards Identify the hazards in the following series of slides. Hazardous Materials Slide 9.16