Unit 5 – Post World War I America
Post War Issues Economy Nativism Isolationism Unemployment for returning soldiers Jobs losses for women and minorities Cost of living doubled Nativism Prejudice against foreign –born people Isolationism Withdrawal from world affairs
Post War Issues Communism Characteristics of Communism Single-party dictatorship Sought to equalize wealth and power Ended private property Govt. controlled factories, businesses, railroads, etc Communism had taken over in Russia, now the Soviet Union Seen as a threat to American life
Post War Issues The Red Scare Panic that communists would abolish capitalism everywhere Communist Party forms in US – 70,000 members Dozens of bombs mailed to govt. and business leaders Public became fearful that Communists were taking over
Post War Issues Palmer Raids Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer orders crackdown on communists Govt. agents hunted down suspected communists, socialists, and anarchists Ignored civil rights Invaded homes and businesses Jailed suspects without legal counsel Deported foreign-born radicals without trial Turned up nothing
Immigration Red Scare fed fear of foreigners and immigrants Potential Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists targeted.
Sacco and Vanzetti (1920) Italian Immigrants and anarchists Accused of robbery and murder of a factory paymaster They declared their innocence and had alibis Circumstantial evidence Judge made prejudicial remarks Found guilty and sentenced to death Protests criticized trial Mistreated because they were immigrants and radicals Executed Aug. 23, 1927
Ku Klux Klan Devoted to “100% Americanism” 1924 – 4.5 million members Harassed non-whites, non-Protestants African-Americans Roman Catholics Jews Immigrants
Quota System* Created by the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 Established limits on number of people admitted from each foreign country Goal – to cut European immigration
Labor Unrest Strikes prevented during World War I 3000 strikes in 1919 Issues – wages and unionization Boston Police Strike Governor sends in National Guard when police go on strike New Policemen hired when strike ended Steel Mill Strike Steel workers wanted shorted hours and better wages Strikers beaten by police, federal troops, and state militias
Labor Unrest United Mine Workers Strike Led by John L. Lewis Striking over low wages and long hours Attorney General Palmer got court order forcing miners back to work Publicly Lewis announces strike is over Privately Lewis urges strikers to continue Strike lasts another month Presidential arbitrator gives miners 27% wage increase Rare union victory