Symbols of PEACE Information gathered from &
The dove is one of the most recognized symbols of peace and its origins are from the story Noah and the Ark. The rains that flooded the earth stopped pouring down, and Noah sent out various birds to see if they would bring back any sign of land to his boat. He was anxious to begin life again on dry land. one dove eventually returned carrying an olive branch.
The White Poppy campaign began in 1932 by the Women's Co-operative Guild to distribute an alternative to the Red Poppies used to commemorate British military dead, and the first poppies were distributed in 1933. The newly-formed Peace Pledge Union (PPU) joined in distributing them in 1934, and white poppy wreaths were laid "as a pledge to peace that war must not happen again". In 1980, the PPU revived the symbol as a form of remembering the victims of war without glorifying militarism.
The hand symbol peace gesture is thought to have begun in Europe during World War II when a “V” for victory was painted on walls as a symbol from freedom of occupying forces.
The Japanese Peace Bell is a United Nations peace symbol The Japanese Peace Bell is a United Nations peace symbol. Cast on November 24, 1952, it was an official gift of the Japanese people to the United Nations on June 8, 1954. The symbolic bell of peace was donated by Japan to the United Nations at a time when Japan had not yet been officially admitted to the United Nations. Traditionally, the bell is rung twice a year. It is tolled on the first day of Spring during the vernal equinox, and on every opening day of the UN General Assembly's yearly session in September.
Within Asia the white crane is the bird of peace Within Asia the white crane is the bird of peace. Originally it was the sort of peace that comes with prosperity and friendship. The crane took on even greater significance as a peace symbol within Japan right after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 1955 an eleven year old Japanese girl named Sadako Sasaki was diagnosed with leukemia from exposure to nuclear radiation. She heard that if she folded a thousand paper cranes, she would be granted a wish.
This peace symbol was designed by Gerald Holtom, a member of the CND movement, as the badge of the ’Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War’, for the first demonstration against Aldermaston (a British research center for the development of nuclear weapons) in 1958. Now the symbol is used world-wide and stands for peace and non-violence.
The Hebrew word "Shalom" (Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם), and the Arabic "Salaam" (Arabic: سلام) have been used as peace symbols. Shalom and Salaam literally mean "peace“. The congruence of both words has come to represent "peace in the Middle East" and an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Its significance is such that wall plaques and signs are sold with only those words.
This rainbow flag originated in Italy and is emblazoned in bold with the Italian word PACE, meaning ‘peace’. It became popular with the ‘pace da tutti i balconi’ (peace from every balcony) campaign in 2002, started as a protest against the impending war in Iraq. ‘Peace from every balcony’ is an effort to get people to show their opposition to war in general and specifically Italian participation in the US military campaign against Iraq. RED stands for courage. ORANGE offers the vision of possibilities. YELLOW represents the challenge that GREEN has kindled. GREEN represents growth, a challenge to cooperators to strive for growth of membership and of understanding of the aims and values of cooperation. SKY BLUE suggests far horizons, the need to provide education, to help unfortunate people, and to strive towards global unity. DARK BLUE suggests pessimism, reminding us of less fortunate people in the world who are in need of the benefits from cooperation. VIOLET is the color of warmth, beauty and friendship.
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