Year 3 Y3D – Mr Duller Y3B – Miss Barrett Class Routines & Reminders PE lessons (Tuesday & Thursday) PE days may alter occasionally so ensure kit is in school all week please. This should be suitable for indoor and outdoor PE. Earrings must be removed not covered for PE lessons, please do this at home unless your child can remove them independently as school staff are not permitted to assist with this. Home Learning: Challenge 5: This is Maths based, and will be linked either to the previous weeks learning or as revision for learning the next week. It is designed to be a 5 minute task to test the children’s application of knowledge. This will be given out on a Friday and due in on a Monday. Spellings: These will be given out every Monday and tested on the Friday. Reading : Your child will also be bringing a reading book home with them every night. Please encourage them to read out loud to increase their expression when reading. Asking them questions about their book such as a characters thoughts or feelings will aid their understanding. Also during reading, encourage your child to find WOW words or phrases to ‘magpie’ and bring into class to share. Medicines: If your child needs medicine for any reason, we can only administer medicines which are accompanied by a prescription. They must be taken to the school office in the morning and a form filled out, they can not be sent into school with your child. Messages Please write any messages in your child's diary, we will check these throughout the week. If it is a urgent message please ask your child to bring the diary to us. Quick matters can be discussed at the end of the day on the playground but for more in depth discussions please book an appointment through the office. Snacks/Water Bottles Now the children are in KS2 fruit is no longer provided, please send your child with a healthy break time snack such as fruit/cereal bar which is separate to their lunch and can be kept in their lockers. Also, it is important children stay hydrated so please ensure they have a water bottle in school – water not squash for the classrooms please. Thank you, in anticipation of your support, Mr Duller & Miss Barrett Year 3 Y3D – Mr Duller Y3B – Miss Barrett Autumn Term Class Newsletter Look at what we are going to be learning… The Elephant Dance
This term our learning will be focused around ‘India’. Geography/History Our topic work will be all linked to India. We will be developing our map skills to find where India is, discussing the different continents in the world. We will be researching India and finding out more about their culture and history. The end product of this will be to produce a Travel Agent style guidebook on India. Maths Maths will cover a range of areas: Number and place value; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; fractions; geometry (properties of shapes) and statistics. It will include weekly problem solving investigations, use of different strategies and times tables practice and testing. Science In autumn term 1, we will be looking at working scientifically. This will include the process of experiments, science vocabulary and working safely In autumn term 2, we will exploring forces and magnets. Applying our knowledge from term 1 to investigate and test our predictions. D.T We will use clay to make our own Diwali lights, these will be powered by electricity. Art In Art the children will be creating their Sari pattern in the Batik Style, this will include designing and making using Fabric paints. R.E As part of our topic work we will be studying the religion of Hinduism. We look specifically at Divali. Near the end of Term 2 we will be looking at the Christmas story and comparing different religious celebrations. Computing Mr Jones will be teaching computing to Year 3 this term. They will be looking at using a range of different software for different purposes. Music We will explore traditional Indian Music and compose some of our own pieces. PE Across the Autumn Term we will be following the REAL PE programme looking at footwork and developing basic PE skills for KS2. Alongside this we will also be taking part in dance lessons. In Autumn term 2, both classes will also get the opportunity to work with Coach Smith – a specialist basketball coach. Literacy Across the Autumn term we will be focussing on Narrative, looking at stories from other cultures, traditional tales/fables/legends and play scripts – dialogue into plays. This will include looking at a range of books, films and other sources including the ‘Elephant Dance’ story. We will also be looking at acrostic poems closer to Christmas. We will also have weekly SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) lessons to work on key skills for writing. Handwriting We will be taking part in weekly handwriting lessons, working towards consistently joining our writing.