Fairtrade Town Kiel: the whole city got involved Presentation in Vilnius 2016.01.29 by Nicoline Henkel, City Hall Kiel, Germany
Why did we decide to become a Fairtrade Town? Finally on the 8th November 2012 the council board decided that Kiel will take part in the campaign “Fairtrade Towns” and agreed to serve two Fair Trade products Coffee and tea in public meetings, offices of the Mayor and Lord Mayor. This was goal no. 1.
The core Five Goals are: Local council passes a resolution supporting Fair Trade and agrees to serve Fair Trade products A Fair Trade steering group representing is formed Two different Fair Trade products are available in stores and restaurants Schools, workplaces, places of worship and community organisations support Fair Trade and use Fair Trade products whenever possible Four articles in press, radio or TV are published
Goal No. 2 Next we had to found a Fair Trade steering group. This group should represent different sectors. Working group “Global Learning“, eco partner , Apostle Church, Alliance One World (Bündnis Eine Welt (BEI)), Diakonie, Retail Federation North (Einzelhandelsverband Nord), church district Altholstein, Regional Capital Kiel, Student Union Schleswig-Holstein, student of Kiel University (CAU), One-world-Store Kiel e.V.
Goal number 3 dealt with shops und restaurants
Goal number 4 dealt with the civil society Meant public associations, schools and churches (places of worship). We needed two of each as a partner. They also had to use two products. At school the second product is additional fair education classes.
Goal number 5 dealt with public communication Goal number 5 dealt with public communication. We hat to publish four articles in the newspaper. Photo: We finished our application papers.
Kiel became Fairtrade Town on the 16. 09. 2013 Kiel became Fairtrade Town on the 16.09.2013. Kiel became Fairtrade Town number 187. Since we started in our country in 2009 with the first Fairtrade Town we have now reached 391 Fairtrade Towns in Germany
Recertification after two years Two years later we had to recertify our application. The requirements were the same like 2013. Now we are Fairtrade Town till 2019.
Fairtrad Town Kiel: the whole city got involved in the first two years City Hall, Schools, kindergartens, university, shops, stores, restaurants, cafe, churches, a One-World-Store, associations, federations and people got involved. For all the common activities the steering group created first an own logo. Stickers and roll-up posters followed.
Church Fasting period “7 weeks with Fair Trade and regional products”, organized by church district Altholstein and One-world-Store Kiel, supported by Student Federation Schleswig-Holstein in their canteens. Sale of “good chocolate” and fair Christmas chocolate; fair tea is ordered for Apostle Church Schools Fairtrade Town presented an award event Futureschools, fair breakfast in a school
One-World-Store Africa Day with sale of Fair Trade products from Africa by Café Flex and One-World-Store Fair Sale of drinks at concert Gruppo Sal with Alberto Acosta (former minister of Ecuador), NGO Book presentation at One-World-Store Kiel with fair wines GreenScreen Festival: film about cheap bananas and information of One-World-Store Kiel about bananas and Fairtrade Schools Cafés and restaurants Fair regulars’ table with the owners of cafés und restaurants
City Hall with the steering group and others Fair fashion show at New City Hall, administration, NGOs, café, clothes stores
City Hall: business, federation, NGOs Kieler Woche: Fair solar mobile (One-World-Store) and information stand on fair trade (steering group, city hall) European Mobility Week: Fair and filly-fledged biker breakfast offered at annual “Umsteiger”-event after city tour by bike City Hall: business, federation, NGOs
University Fair Trade coffee, tea and cocao for the students Global Dinner: event of CampusGrün with presentation Green Day at University in cooperation with One-World-Store and City Hall Kiel: information and sale an campus Fasting period “7 weeks with Fair Trade and regional products”, supported by Student Union Schleswig-Holstein in their canteens Kindergarten Multiple fair breakfasts or tea times in several kindergartens
Planned projects for the next four years Beyond the actions like I have just presented We are now at the early beginning of planning joint ventures with our partner territory in Tansania (Moshi rural) in Africa We are wondering if we can grow and import amaranth and espresso from Moshi And we are going to design a Fair Trade map for Kiel
Fairtrade Map
Thanks for your attention 18