Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein Kiel, 20 June 2013 +
About us IB.SH… is the promotional bank of the Land (State) Schleswig-Holstein is a public law institution with its headquarters in Kiel supports the state in the implementation of economic and structural policies provides financial support to foster regional development and growth basic data (2012): balance sheet total of 18 bill. € annual business volume of 2 bill. € 520 employees
Offices … in Schleswig-Holstein … and beyond Brussels: Representative office Rostock/Riga: European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (resp. Baltic Sea Region Programme) Hamburg: Enterprise Europe Network
Acting in the public interest Owner: The State of Schleswig-Holstein (100 %) The state is fully liable for the IB.SH debts. non-discrimination Rule principle of cost recovery principle of assignment, primacy of policy principle of regionalism
Activities Economy and technology Real estate Consulting of small and medium-sized enterprises and business start-ups Financing through subsidies, loans and venture capital Promotion of social housing Promotion of urban planning and development of integrated residential quarters Support for innovative energy technologies Municipality and infrastructure Employment and education Consulting and financing of/for public projects and infrastructural measures Energy management for municipalities Promotion of employment, education and professional qualifications Management of promotional programmes for the state Schleswig- Holstein Eu competence Consulting on EU funding programmes Management of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (Baltic Sea Region Programme)
IB.SH Europe competences Management of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (exp. Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013) Management of EU structural funds programmes for Schleswig- Holstein Enterprise Europe Network Hamburg – Schleswig-Holstein Representative office in Brussels Management of EU-projects and facilities (e.g. RENREN, WEREMA, EUSBSR Seed Money) IB.SH Europe competences are provided for in different IB.SH units: depending on the level of services and clients (regional, national, international), e.g. IB.SH Europa and the European Territorial Cooperation Unit … internal explanations: RENREN = INTERREG IVC project on Renewable Energy Resources (almost finalized) WEREMA = Europe Aid project on Renewable Energy and knowledge transfer with Morocco (still ongoing) EUSBSR Seed Money = Seed Money provided linked to the EU-Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (see slides later on)
IB.SH and European Territorial Cooperation Managing Authority Certifying Authority Joint Technical Secretariat (offices in Rostock and Riga) INTERREG IVA South Baltic Programme „Contact Point Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“ IB.SH Management of the Seed Money Facility for the EU as of 2013 Baltic Sea Region Programme - Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 built on preceding programmes (Baltic Sea INTERREG IIC & III B) - 8 EU-Member States + 3 extra countries - only one of 13 ETC programmes with a unique integration of two EU budget lines: ERDF and ENPI - Aim: To strengthen the development towards a sustainable, competitive and territorially integrated Baltic Sea Region by connecting potentials beyond borders - More than 1300 partners in 88 projects since 2007 - mostly public institutions as partners More information: IB.SH and the EU-Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region - EU-Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) as first macro-regional strategy – since 2009 joint efforts by EU Member States around the Baltic Sea - 2012 the first time incl. funds by EU IB.SH Management of the Seed Money Facility for the EU as of 2013 - Seed Money to support project development future funding programmes on regional, national, transnational level as of 2014 – projects linked to Strategy
IB.SH and the EU-funding period 2014-2020 Intention to continue management services beyond 2013 for: EU structural funds programmes in Schleswig-Holstein European Territorial Cooperation Programme for the Baltic Sea Region EUSBSR Seed Money Facility Enterprise Europe Network Hamburg – Schleswig-Holstein Status quo: Development „Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020“ started in early 2012 & is progressing well (8 EU-Member States and 3 additional countries involved regarding content and management structures) first call for project proposals ~ late 2014/early 2015 Negotiations with Schleswig-Holstein regarding national EU structural funds programmes ongoing EU-Contract regarding Seed Money Facility already valid beyond 2013 EEN contract already valid beyond 2013; the new call for EEN 2 for the period 2015 – 2020 will be published at the end of 2013
Enterprise Europe Network Overall More than 100 consortia With 600 organisations 4000 experts In 50 countries In Germany 13 consortia 57 organisations biggest network worldwide to support SMEs co-financed by the European Commission Find your local contact point:
IB.SH and the Enterprise Europe Network Hamburg – Schleswig-Holstein Partners: Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (co-ordination) Innovationsstiftung Hamburg Wirtschaftsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH TuTech Innovation GmbH Hamburg - Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH), with its direct connections to Brussels and its long-standing experience in advice on EU funding, has assumed the consortium’s coordination towards the EU. - Wirtschaftsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (WTSH) supports business innovations in Schleswig-Holstein and finds business partners across Europe. - TuTech Innovation GmbH, together with universities in Hamburg, offers Hamburg’s central knowledge and technology transfer between business and science. - Innovationsstiftung Hamburg promotes research and development (R&D) projects in Hamburg and supports businesses through advice on public funding programmes.
Enterprise Europe Network services Support in going international Search for cooperation partners in Europe and beyond Advice on EU funding programmes and financing opportunities Technology transfer support Information on EU law and standards
IB.SH Europa services within the EEN Specific information on all current EU programmes and financing opportunities Advice on appropriate programmes for project ideas Support in finding EU cooperation partners Support for projects from application to implementation All services free of charge thanks to EU co-financing Specific information on all current EU programmes and financing opportunities: Information on EU funding and financing instruments Events informing on EU calls for proposals Information on EU-funding and EU initiatives via Eurobrief (quarterly newsletter Eurobrief published by EEN HHSH and the Ministry of Justice, Culture Issues and European Affairs Schleswig-Holstein), monthly list of open EU-calls, brief EU-funding info publication on up-to-date information, upcoming events, successful EU projects etc.
Contact Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH) Fleethörn 29-31 D-24103 Kiel Phone: +49 (0)431 9905-0 Fax: +49 (0)431 9905-3383 E-Mail: