Italian and German Unification
Guiseppe Mazzini Leader of Young Italy Revolution of 1848 Influenced by patriotism and nationalism Revolution of 1848 Occurred in every major city of Europe Influenced by both ideas Goal was to unify Italy
Revolutions of 1848 Were idealistic in nature No unifying force behind the revolts Influenced by: Liberalism Nationalism Socialism All failed.
Realpolitk Politics based on practical and material factors rather that on theoretical or ethical objectives. Ideas based on realpolitik became the basis for unification after the failure of 1848.
Count Cavour Led unification of Italy 1810-61 Prime Minister of Sardinia, 1852-61 Used a series of wars to create Italy around the Sardinian monarchy
Crimean War 1853-56 Russia vs. Britain, France, Ottoman Empire and Sardinia First “modern” war Ended with a huge peace conference Sardinia only entered the war when if looked as if the Allies would win
French-Sardinian Alliance France and Sardinia created an alliance as a result of the war. Goal was to reduce the influence of Austria in Europe. Agreed to launch a war against Austria. French leader was Napoleon III.
First Phase: Austro-Italian War (1859) French-Sardinian Alliance: Goal was to seize Austrian controlled territory in Italy. Sardinia promised France both Nice and Savoy in order to oust Austria from Lombardy and Venetia. Napoleon III agreed to this.
Napoleon III French leader 1848-1870 Easily led in international affairs. Pulled out of alliance when he realized the Sardinian goal. Kept Nice and Savoy. Sardinia only got Lombardy. Sponsored “revolutions” in northern Italy in 1860.
Second Phase: Guiseppe Garibaldi Most northern Italian states “voted” to join Sardinia in 1860. Guiseppe Garibaldi 1807-1882 Leader in the 1848 Revolution Lead the next phase of unification.
Garibaldi’s Red Shirts Garibaldi formed the Red Shirts Attacked the Kingdom of Naples (Sicily and southern Italy). Inspired an uprising. Cavour’s troops marched in. November 1860: Sardinia controlled all of Italy except Rome, Venetia, and Trentino.
Victor Emmanuel II King of Sardinia, became the first King of Italy First Italian Parliament met in 1861. Used outward for of a constitutional monarchy, run as a major European power
Italy 1860 Gained Venetia in 1866 Rome: 1870 Trentino: 1919
Realpolitk Politics based on practical and material factors rather that on theoretical or ethical objectives. Became the policy followed in German unification.
German Unification Part 1: Economic Unification German Confederation made up of 38 states Led to the need for a customs union Zollverein Formed 1834 Demonstrated that economic cooperation was good for business Made political unification easier
Revolutions of 1848 Influenced by: Liberalism Nationalism Socialism Revolutionaries in Frankfurt offer the German crown to the King of Prussia He refuses Led army to put down the revolution
1848 Revolutions By 1850 Prussia is the strongest state in Germany Industrial revolution is underway
Otto von Bismarck Most important figure in German unification 1815-1898 Junker (East Prussian aristocratic class) “Germany does not look to Prussia’s liberalism, but to her power…the great questions of the day are settled by blood and iron…”
Became a diplomat in 1848 By 1862 he was Chancellor of Prussia Advised the king to ignore the Reichstag during a constitutional crisis King wanted to modernize the military, Reichstag didn’t King ignored them
Wars of German Unification War with Denmark (1864) Schleswig/Holstein Alliance with Austria Seven Weeks War (1866) Defeats Austria at the Battle of Sadowa (Konigsgratz) German Confederation ended North German Confederation formed By 1867, this controlled by Prussia
Napoleon III Ruler of France 1848-1870 Elected President 1848 Seized power in 1852 Proclaimed the Second French Empire
Second French Empire Restored order in France France underwent an industrial revolution Rebuilt cities Modernized Paris Began an active campaign of seizing overseas colonies 1863: Put Maximilian Hapsburg on the throne of Mexico Conned by Bismarck to stay out of Austro-Prussian War After 1866, became diplomatically isolated in Europe Bismarck began to work against him
Wars of German Unification Franco-Prussian War (1870) Bismarck went out of his way to find a cause to start the war Fought as a Limited War Goal was limited, not to destroy Austria, but to get them out of the way Claim to the throne of Spain was the cause
Franco-Prussian War Ems Dispatch Needlegun Destroyed the French army at the Battle of Sedan Laid siege to Paris
Treaty of Frankfurt (1870) Alsace and Lorraine surrendered to Prussia France must pay an indemnity North German completely taken over by Prussia Southern Germany votes to join with Prussia
Kaiser Wilhelm I German Empire proclaimed at Versailles in 1871 Germany grew into the industrial powerhouse of Europe France seething for revenge
German Industrial Growth Kulturkämpf Bismarck saw the Catholic Church as a threat to his power Began a campaign to reduce the power of the Church in Germany Failed Southern Germany integrated as a full political partner in the Empire
German Industrial Growth Socialism Saw Socialists as a threat to his power Began a campaign to get rid of them Failed Gave in to their demands to silence them 40 hour work week Health insurance Worker’s compensation Paid vactions By 1900, Germany was the best place in the world to be an industrial worker
Austria Hungary Created in 1867 because of a nationalist revolt in Hungary 2 nations ruled by the same man Foreign policy and military are run jointly Ruled by the Emperor Franz Joseph (r. 1847-1917)
Franz-Joseph Hapsburg Family ruled southeast Europe and the Balkans