Business in my City – Lübeck Leonardo Project School for Young Entrepreneurs Business in my City – Lübeck
Lübeck is located in the North of Germany, near the Baltic Sea was founded between the years 748–814 today Lübeck has a population of about 214.000 people is an old Hanseatic city and has a large number of historic buildings
Lübeck business history Lübeck was the foundation member and capital of the Hanse In the middle of the 13th century business people in north Germany founded a commerical alliance, called Hanse The Hanse dominated the economy, trade and politics for about 400 years in the North- and Baltic Sea. Temporary more than 200 cities were a part of the Hanse at some time. the most important trade goods were: cloth, fur, salt, wood, corn and beer
Lübeck- economic facts Population (2013): 213 922 employees: 115.000 students: 5.500 gross domestic product <GDP> (Lübeck 2011): 5.831.000.000€ unemployment rate (Lübeck 2013): 10,4 % amount of companies in Lübeck: about 17.000
Main businesses in Lübeck The most important industries in Lübeck are : Medical technology, food industries and logistics. Some of the biggest companies are Medical Technology University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein: 11710 employees Drägerwerke : 4920 employees EUROIMMUN : 620 employees Food Industries H. & J. Brüggen KG : 606 employees J. G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG : 500 employees Continental foods: 500 empleyees Logistics Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH: 908 employees
Lübeck Harbour Lübeck harbour is the largest German harbour on the Baltic Sea, and the 3rd largest in Germany after Hamburg and Bremen. 2013 : 23,9 Mio. t goods were transshipped With 90 departures per week, the harbour in Lübeck is the largest ferry port in Europe.
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