Landmark Supreme Court Cases Mock Trials…
Let’s hear a little tune to inspire us…
For this assignment you’ll have a chance to grapple (this, my little weasels, is a fabulous word) with current constitutional issues and make decisions about actual Supreme Court cases. You’ll be placed in a group. Each group will receive a court case. Your group will present one side of the case, and will debate with another group that has prepared opposing arguments. Finally, the groups who are not presenting will act as the Supreme Court and decide the case. If the case is decided in your group’s favor, your group will be a winner (as opposed to a loser). Finally finally, you’ll get to hear how each case was ACTUALLY decided.
Here come the ROLES. Please note that while the Chief Counsel is technically your leader, all members of each group will participate in the mock trial You will peer-grade one another following our mock trial; be kind, cooperative, on-task, hard-working, respectful little angels who share the work load equally.
Roles within your groups: Chief Counsel: Reads background of the case aloud to group and leads case discussion. Presents opening statement and works with Legal Secretary to come up with at least 4 good arguments for your side. Participates in the debate (listen for opening statement examples in a bit…)
More Roles…. Legal Secretary: Records group responses to discussion questions for turn-in (you’ll find these questions on your court case info. sheet) and assists Chief Counsel in writing 4 arguments. Assists Chief Counsel with opening statement. Participates in the debate.
And more…. Devil’s Advocate: Anticipates ALL POTENTIAL arguments (at the very least 4) that the opposing team will make and creates rebuttals; write these on a note-card and read them to all members of your group prior to your court date. Assists Associate Counsel with preparation of closing statements. Participates in debate.
Last role: Associate Counsel: Prepares and presents closing arguments (listen to examples). Creates, with input of the entire group, a visual symbol to represent the team’s point of view. Assists Devil’s Advocate if needed. Participates in the debate.
When your group receives its case, your task is fourfold: Prepare an opening statement of one to two minutes introducing your team’s opinion to the class. This statement will be given by the Chief Counsel and prepared by CC and LS together (listen to example) Prepare at least 4 arguments to be used in an open debate with the opposing team after the opening statement (CC and LS). Each member of the team must participate in this debate to win points for the assignment. Anticipate at least 4 of the other team’s arguments and write a rebuttal for each– Devil’s Advocate is in charge of this, AC assists (write these on note-cards). Prepare a closing statement of approximately one minute summarizing your group’s arguments– Associate Counsel does this, DA assists Prepare a visual symbol (slogan, picture etc) that shows us your point of view- this is prepared/presented by the Associate Counsel
Don’t be afraid to… Use The Constitution in your textbook or PC for help with arguments (page 264) Practice your debate within your group by stating your arguments and anticipating the responses from the other team.
FYI: petitioner vs. respondent The petitioner is the side BRINGING THE APPEAL (not happy with the last ruling) The respondent is the side RESPONDING TO THE APPEAL
1st, 4th and 8th Amendments: 1st Amend. in a nutshell: Congress can’t make a law respecting one specific religion, and they can’t prohibit you from practicing yours freely. They cannot interfere with freedom of speech or freedom of the press…. 4th Amend. in a nutshell: You have the right to be secure in your “persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures…” You can be searched only with a warrant… 8th Amend. in a nutshell: You have freedom from “cruel and unusual punishment”--- this means that when convicted of a crime you can’t be punished in a way that’s extra mean and weird…
Now you will: Get into your groups Receive your role within your group Receive a court case and find out if you’re the petitioner or the respondent-- read the case together as the legal sec. records your answers to the questions Receive a group-work check list that will guide you through the process… Begin!
On your court date: Dress for success Stay on topic I’m grading YOU during your debate; how much do you participate? Do you present good arguments/rebuttals? Are you prepared, practiced, professional?
Debate Format: (during the debate fill out your matrix!!) Chief Justice Atkins will introduce the case Opening statement: Petitioner Opening statement: Respondent Argument #1: Petitioner Rebuttal and Argument #1: Respondent Rebuttal and Argument #2: Petitioner Rebuttal and Argument #2: Respondent After all arguments have been made/rebutted…it’s time for: Closing Statements and Symbol Sharing (if symbols haven’t already been shared): Petitioner then Respondent Class, acting as Supreme Court, votes Chief Justice Atkins reveals real court decision