GENERAL INTRODUCTION BSPC Standing Committee, Hamburg, 15.11.2016 Katharina Fegebank, 2nd Mayor and Minister of Science, Re- search and Equalities, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
What is the Baltic Science Network? BSN is the leading transnational forum for higher education, science, and research cooperation of the Baltic Sea Region. BSN is a political network gathering relevant transnational, national, and regional policy actors from the BSR countries. The Network serves as a springboard for targeted multi- lateral activities in the frame of research and innovation excellence, mobility of scientists and widening participation.
A Challenge-Based Approach The orientation towards Grand or Societal Challenges requires rethinking of science, technology, and innovation policies in order to better serve the needs of European populations.
Why Baltic Science Network? international European/EU transnational/ macroregional national regional local National or regional answers are not sufficient anymore for the large societal challenges A closer transnational cooperation and joint presentation of interests in higher education, science and research within the Baltic Sea Region is needed Within the Baltic Sea Region a macroregional dimension is missing in the science policy field
Main Objectives To create better framework condition for our universities and research institutions for more intensify transnational collaboration. BSN serves as a test bed for innovative solutions supporting the European Research Area implementation Develop and implement science policies and strategies in the Baltic Sea Region in a macroregional dimension Integrate in a coordinated manner macroregional interests into science policy on EU, national, regional and local level
Who is already involved? Lithuania Ministry of Education and Science Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA) Poland University of Gdansk Ministry of Education and Science Denmark Ministry of Higer Education and Research, Danish Agency for Science and Innovation (DASTI) Latvia Ministry of Education and Science Sweden Swedish Research Council Ministry of Education and Research Baltic Sea Region Council of the Baltic Sea States EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Baltic Sea Region University Network Baltic University Programme BONUS STRING NordForsk Russia St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) Germany Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research and Equalities Senate Chancellery of Hamburg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Science and Equality of the Land of Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the Land of Mecklenburg Hither Pomerania Finland University of Turku Åbo University Ministry of Education and Culture Estonia Ministry of Education and Research Norway Ministry of Education and Research
Added Value Common platform for closer policy cooperation Synergetic approach which incorporates and builds on: already existing structures in the Baltic Sea Region on-going initiatives related to higher education, science, and research policy
Embracing Complementarity BSN is interwoven in the following regional structures: One of the major projects of the Council of the Baltic Sea States´ Science, Research & Innovation Agenda Flagship of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region under the PA Education, Research and Employability Establishment of the network is funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme (3 mill. € ; 2016-2019)
9 CBSS Science Ministerial + Political Kick- Off BSN, 16 June 2016 in Kraków, Poland 16 June 2016 in Kraków, Poland
Actions of BSN Widening Participation BSR-wide Mobility Exchange & Learning of Best Practices Joint Lobbying on EU & International Level Research & Innovation Excellence
Research & Innovation Excellence 11 Research & Innovation Excellence Identification of current challenges for science and research cooperation: National and transnational workshops are scheduled Joint transnational strategies for scientific excellence: Preparation of a comparative status quo-study Joint programming Transnational utilisation of research & innovation infrastructure
Mobility of Scientists Within the BSR 12 Mobility of Scientists Within the BSR Identification of challenges hampering more active mobility among scientists within the BSR 1st BSN-study on researcher mobility in the BSR issued Panel on researcher mobility during the Fehmarnbelt Days National and transnational workshops are scheduled Structured mobility tools Mobility funding instruments
Widening Participation 13 Widening Participation Identification of challenges for widening participation Transnational workshop on the way Qualitative and quantitative analysis on the way Estonian EU-presidency as a chance! Innovative tools and concepts for widening participation
Joint Interest Articulation 14 Joint Interest Articulation Ensuring visibility of joint efforts Different Brussels events are scheduled Joint lobbying on international and EU levels 9th Framework Programme : exchange of ideas of future perspectives Baltic Sea Region 2030: Role of science and research Coordinated drafting of national and regional action plans
Milestones 16 June 2016 8-9 November 20 – 22 September 10 November BSN Political Kick-Off back-to-back with the CBSS Science Ministerial Kraków, Poland Policy workshop EUSBSR Annual Forum Stockholm, Sweden Summer 2016 Fall & Winter 2016 20 – 22 September 10 November Fehmarnbelt Days Hamburg, Germany BSN Steering Committee meeting Stockholm, Sweden
”Ideas” for support via BSPC Increased investment in science, higher education and research to ensure the future of the BSR Call to intensify scientific collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region , qualitatively as well as quantitatively Support of BSN as an important tool to enhance a macro- regional dimension in science and research policy, from which our higher education and research institutions should benefit. Support for BONUS II
BSN – The Way Forward Interreg project is just the starting point BSN serves as a test bed for innovative solutions supporting the European Research Area implementation BSN is designed as a sustainable Network in order to contribute in the long-term to the BSR-wide higher education, science and research objectives in specifically targeted areas
Further Enquiries Pleas contact our project team: Klaus von Lepel, Julia Gottwald, Katariina Röbbelen-Voigt Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research and Equalities +49-40-42863-2004 Photo credit: Audiovisual Services of the European Commission, International Permanent Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland, Image Bank Sweden,
Thank you very much for your attention!