Visual Identity Manual LESLEY UNIVERSITY Visual Identity Manual Lesley‘s distinctive brandmark is a vital element of the institution‘s name recognition and visibility. This manual outlines the official Lesley brandmark variations and their proper usage. The manual and Lesley brandmarks are available on Lesley‘s web site at This guide attempts to address the most common situations and questions of Lesley brandmark users. For more information, please contact the Lesley Public Affairs office at 617-349-8520, or email 1
The primary brandmark is made up of a solid color Brandmark Variations The Lesley University visual identity system includes three brandmark versions. The primary brandmark is made up of a solid color rectangle with Lesley University in white lettering. This is the brandmark that will be used in most circumstances. It appears on university stationery in the upper lefthand corner. This version of the brandmark is for use on bright white and on other light color backgrounds. The reverse brandmark is for use on dark color backgrounds. It is the same as the primary brandmark but has an addition of a fine-line box around the rectangular mark so that the Lesley brandmark is adequately set off from dark backgrounds. The color of the reverse brandmark and the surrounding color will be the same. The two-color brandmark (the green brandmark with gold rules above and below) is reserved for special purposes and ceremonial items. The two-color brandmark uses the university‘s traditional school colors of green and gold. The brandmark must not be re-created; use only the original files provided. The brandmark should not be reversed in such a way that the words ”Lesley University“ appear in a color within a white box. When employing freelance designers, printing vendors, and personalized merchandise manufacturers, please give them a copy of this guide and ask them to contact the office of Public Affairs (617-349-8520 or with any questions about the correct use of Lesley brandmarks, type layouts and appropriate fonts. 2
Correct Use of the Brandmark The Lesley University brandmark should appear on the front of all printed materials, if possible. If it is not possible to place it on the front, the words ”Lesley University“ or ”Lesley“ should appear prominently in type. The brandmark may then appear on the back cover, along with contact information, return address, etc. The brandmark should also appear on all correspondence leaving the Lesley campus, including correspondence to the university's students, vendors, alumni, and prospective students. Retain the required surrounding white space (see section below), the given proportions, and do not overprint busy backgrounds with the brandmark. Colors Green The primary brandmark can be printed in black or in the university green, identified by printers as Pantone 3298. The four-color process (CMYK) green equivalent is C100%, M0%, Y60%, K38%. On the Web, the closest equivalent is R0, G90, B70. The reverse brandmark is designed to be used on a solid field of color, usually the university green, Pantone 3298. The primary and reverse brandmarks should never be separated into two colors. Gold The two-color version of the brandmark adds a gold rule above and below the green primary brandmark. No other color combination is allowed. The university gold is Pantone 124. The four-color process equivalent is C0%, M27.5%, Y100%, K6%. A gold stamped foil is allowed to replace the university gold color. For the Web, the closest equivalent to the university gold is R240, G174, B0. 3
Using Other Colors Placement, White Space Use of colors other than the university green or black is allowed. However, please use judgment in selecting deeper hues befitting the university‘s representative logo mark. A good guide is to use colors that contain the same or similar amounts of black as the university green. In some instances, Lesley centers and admissions offices have selected color palettes for their printed materials. Please use colors within your palettes consistently to reinforce their identification with your programs and events. Placement, White Space The preferred position for the brandmark is in the upper left-hand corner. It is important to keep some ”white space“ area around all sides of the brandmark. Allow space above and below the brandmark of at least 1/2 the brandmark height. One exception to this area of non-encroachment is the partnering of the brandmark with the name of a Lesley school. See specifications below for layout details. Please contact the Public Affairs office for advice about other partnering needs, such as in the case where the brandmark will appear with another logo. x Frutiger 65 Bold School of Education Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences Lesley College School of Management Adult Baccalaureate College 4
The traditional crest of Lesley University was graphically Size The brandmark should never be used smaller than 1-1/8" in length. Proportions within the mark and the ”white space“ around it (described above) should always be maintained, no matter how large the brandmark. Incorrect Usage Only the provided versions of the brandmark should be used. Altering the brandmark will detract from its effectiveness as a readily identified symbol of the university. The brandmark should not be used as a design element. The brandmark should not be altered or redrawn in any way, such as outlining, adding shadows, changing its borders or proportions, rotating it, using parts of it, or cropping it. Other art or type should not be added to it (other than prescribed uses of school names) and it should not be combined nor appear on the same page with any other logo. Never ”knockout“ the brandmark (the words Lesley University within the brandmark should not appear in a color within a white box). No element of the brandmark should be removed. University Crest The traditional crest of Lesley University was graphically updated in 1985. It remains unchanged since then. Its use is restricted. Only the President‘s office, the Alumni office, the Registrar (for diploma certificates), and the Public Affairs office may use this symbol, which is reserved for official or special occasions. Please contact the Public Affairs office with any inquiries about its use. Other Applications The Public Affairs office will work with the university bookstore and the athletics department to establish guidelines for use of the Lesley brandmark for T-shirts, 5
Downloadable Brandmark Files mugs, pencils, totebags and other merchandise bearing the brandmark. Please refer to the general guidelines for printed materials when designing special items and contact the Public Affairs office for advice or assistance. Downloadable Brandmark Files Brandmarks must be used from electronic files, which may be downloaded from Once downloaded, these graphic files cannot be ”opened“ directly. You must use the ”import,“ ”place“ or ”insert“ commands within an open software package such as Quark, PageMaker or Word, and select the brandmark file you wish to be loaded into your document. Take care not to stretch or distort the proportions of the brandmark. In many software programs, keeping the proportions true entails holding down the shift key while resizing the graphic by dragging one of its corners. Typefaces and Use of Type The Frutiger type family has been selected as the complimentary font for use on all university materials and correspondence. Secondary choices are Gill Sans, Helvetica (for Macintosh users) and Arial (for PC users). Frutiger can be purchased through Adobe, see Stationery The university's letterhead, envelopes and business cards were professionally designed and all feature the Lesley brandmark in the upper lefthand corner. There can be no variation from these formats. Because the post office recognizes only Lesley's official mailing address, 29 Everett Street is the only address that will be printed on stationery items with one exception: For those whose offices are located in the Porter Exchange Building, your department has the option of using the 1815 Massachusetts Avenue address, but you should be consistent with that address on all your stationery pieces. To order stationery items, contact the university's exclusive stationery vendor, Millennium Printing, at 781-337-0002. 6
Memo and Fax Cover Sheets Publications Rather than specifying requirements for the design of all Lesley University publications, the brandmark usage standards in this manual provide guidelines to create a compatible, all-in-the-same-family look for Lesley's printed publications, advertising and materials. Consistent use of the Lesley University brandmark on the front or back cover, the typeface Frutiger (or alternatively Helvetica, Gill Sans or Arial), and consistent color palettes will all reinforce a distinctive and attractive image of the university, its schools, centers, departments and offices. Memo and Fax Cover Sheets Memos and faxes are important components of the university's visual identity program. For consistency and for convenience, templates have been created in Microsoft Word for university department use. These templates may be downloaded at 7
The History of the Lesley University Brandmark During the 2001-2002 academic year, President Margaret McKenna charged an ad hoc committee of the Lesley Board of Trustees with reviewing the university's branding. After a university-wide review of print publications, advertising and admissions materials, and the university web site, the decision was made to hire BrandEquity, a premiere branding and logo development design firm. BrandEquity worked through dozens of designs to create a logo that incorporated Lesley's new designation as a university, the institution's growth in the national marketplace, and it's preeminence in the field of education. Ultimately, the Trustee committee, President McKenna, several senior administrators and key marketing personnel settled on the most successful design, an evolutionary adaptation of Lesley’s existent word mark logo, in use since 1990. The new brandmark builds on the visual identity achieved with the former logo with a more contemporary and legible typeface. The brandmark design was approved in June 2002. 8
INDEX Brandmark Variations … primary brandmark ......................................................................................... 2 … reverse brandmark .......................................................................................... 2 … two-color brandmark ..................................................................................... 2 … university crest ................................................................................................. 5 Colors … university green ............................................................................................... 3 … university gold ................................................................................................. 3 … using other colors ............................................................................................ 4 Downloadable Brandmark Files ................................................................................ 6 History of the Brandmark ........................................................................................... 8 Placement, partnering with school names and other logos ............................................. 4 Publications .................................................................................................................... 7 Size (minimum) .................................................................................................................. 5 Stationery......................................................................................................................... 6 … fax cover sheet and memo templates ....................................................... 7 Typefaces ......................................................................................................................... 6 University Crest .............................................................................................................. 5 Use of Brandmark … correct ................................................................................................................ 3 … incorrect ............................................................................................................. 5 … keeping proportions of electronic files...................................................... 6 … other applications ........................................................................................... 5 … placement .......................................................................................................... 4 … publications ...................................................................................................... 7 … sizing ................................................................................................................... 6 … with Lesley school names .............................................................................. 4 … with other logos (placement) .......................................................................... 4 White Space .................................................................................................................... 4 9