Language Arts Homework – Mrs. Yawn Monday – Thursday Reading and writing homework is an important part of third grade! Beginning Monday, September 19, your child will have homework each night Monday – Thursday. No homework will be given on weekends. Your child should be able to complete the homework independently. Here are the details below: Read for at least 20 minutes. Every student has been given book club books to read. If they cannot find these books, reading any books can count. If we have a social studies test coming up, reading to study for that can count as reading! (reading vocabulary words or notes) Write at least ½ page about the reading. Student should bring home their reading response notebooks to write in, but if they forget their notebooks, they are free to write on any paper you have at home and bring it in. Students should write at least ½ page, but of course they are welcome to write more! After they write ½ page, they may also draw a picture to go with the story. Pictures are not required, however. Some ideas for writing are taped in the front of the reading response notebook. Students may write about any aspect of their reading. They might write a letter to the author, write about the main character, or their favorite part. Writing will need to be turned in daily. Thank you so much for your help and cooperation with this! I know this will help your child to grow into a world class reader and writer!