Norwood’s STREAM home Challenges Science Technology Reading Engineering Arts Math Watch the video and take the quiz on “animals” on BrainPop Jr. Read along to a new book using Tumblebooks. Read by yourself for 15 minutes. Draw a design for a robotics or LEGO design that you want to try out. After reading a fairytale, draw a picture of the characters and the settings. Make a picture graph that shows your three favorite foods. Go on a nature walk and make a list of the different animals that you see. Use Wixie or another computer program in order to create an animal habitat. Read a story and make a list of all the “Magic E” words. Use popsicle sticks in order to create a habitat for a land animal. Find a cool music website and write it down for Ms. Long to check out! Why do you like it? Watch the tally charts/bar graph video on Brainpop Jr. What did you learn? Write 2 facts about an animal that you learned about from BrainPop Jr. Use a cell phone camera or tablet to take pictures of the animals you found. Send them to your teacher! Read a fairy tale and identify the problem and solution from the fairytale. Use Legos or blocks in order to create a habitat for a land animal. Take a picture. Come up with a new game for gym. Make sure you write down the rules for Mr. K! Look in a magazine, book, or newspaper and find something that shows a data representation. Help someone you know take care of their pet. (play with it, take it for walk) Show someone a new computer game you learned to play at school! Read a favorite story to a younger sibling or friend Help a friend build a tower. How can you make it taller. Remember, don’t give up! Make a get well card for someone who is sick or not feeling well. Keep track of all the compassionate things you do this week! Add them up…how many did you do?! Math & Language Arts- Reading/Writing- Virtue challenge of the month –Compassion Complete the blue shaded boxes for each area! Practice Extra
Norwood’s STREAM home Challenges Science Reading Writing Math Design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how a plant or animal uses structures to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs. I can retell a story using key details. I can identify the characters, setting and major events in a story. I can write a small moment narrative that includes two or more events that describe a time that I learned a lesson. I can organize and represent data (tally chart, bar graph, pictograph, etc.). Explain how my solution mimics a plant or animal behavior or structure. I can identify and state the central message or lesson in a story. I can use pronouns in my writing. I can use temporal words in my writing. I can interpret data representations by asking and answering questions about the data. Explain that offspring are like, but not exactly like their parent I can create a visual display that captures my writing. I can interpret data by comparing how many more are in one category than another. I can classify objects by their attributes. This month I CAN…