August 2nd 2016 I will be able to: RIGHT NOW Warm Up Please get out a pencil/pen your notebook, folder, and any signed forms. Before class begins write down what the focus of our work time today is as well as your homework. WT: Enduring Understandings HW: Finish writing your personal connection to our Enduring Understandings. Warm Up Take out your About Me sheet out. Share your About Me sheet with your group. List a new thing that you learned about 2 classmates sitting at your table. I will be able to: describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Social Studies Connecting Themes Enduring Understandings
Conflict and Change When conflict arises between or within societies, change is the result.
Distribution of Power Distribution of power in government is a product of existing documents and laws combined with a contemporary values and beliefs.
Governance A society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the complexity of government also increases.
Individuals, Groups, & Institutions The actions of individuals, groups, or institutions affect society through intended + unintended consequences.
Location Location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development.
Movement/Migration Movement or migration of people and ideas affects all societies involved.
August 3rd 2016 I will be able to: RIGHT NOW Warm Up Please get out a pencil/pen your notebook, folder, and any signed forms. Before class begins write down what the focus of our work time today is as well as your homework. WT: Enduring Understandings HW: Finish writing your personal connection to our Enduring Understandings. Warm Up Looking at the Enduring Understandings explain how Migration connects to Georgia Studies? Which of the Enduring Understandings is the easiest for you to make a connection with? I will be able to: describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Production, Distribution, & Consumption Production, distribution and consumption of goods and services produced by the society are affected by the location, customs, beliefs, and laws of the society.
Rule of Law Separation of Powers In a democracy, rule of law influences the behavior of citizens, establishes procedures for making policies and limits the power of government Separation of Powers
Technological Innovation Technological innovations have consequences, both intended + unintended for a society.
Making the Connection Make a personal connection to an enduring understanding. Write a paragraph about a connection that you have within the Enduring Understandings of Social Studies. This can be a family story, movie, book, or an event that has impacted you in some way. Write in complete sentences and explain how the connection relates to you.
August 4th 2016 I will be able to: RIGHT NOW Warm Up Please get out a pencil/pen your notebook, folder, and any signed forms. Before class begins write down what the focus of our work time today is as well as your homework. WT: Global Location and relevance and Georgia’s Geographic Regions HW: Work on your Geography Packet Warm Up Prepare for your Geography PreTest… Have your pencil out be ready to clear your desk quickly I will be able to: describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Georgia Studies and Our Enduring Understandings How do Enduring Understandings apply in a “real” way? Where do you see the connections in Enduring Understandings and this video?
Closure: Think pair share: How did the enduring understandings connect in the video?