Project about ♥ Germany ♥ From: Mara and Darlene Germany has got 16 regions Project about ♥ Germany ♥ From: Mara and Darlene
GERMANY Germany has got 16 regions Baden-Württemberg Bayern Berlin Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Saarland Sachsen Sachsen-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Thüringen
History of the dDR Germany has got 16 regions The DDR was built after the 2nd World War. After the terrible war, the Russians, the US, England and France divided Germany and the capital Berlin. In 1949 the east became the DDR and the west the Republic of Germany. Then the most horrible time started …. The Berlin wall was built 9th November in 1963 and everybody who wanted to cross it got killed. But finally the wall fell down in 1989 and the DDR was gone for ever.
Immigrants in Germany Germany has got 16 regions The immigrants' percentage in Germany was or still is rising. All the different cultures have built Germany in the last years. In other countries there was a job shortage, but in Germany were many workplaces and that's why all the immigrants came here.