Jordan Water Company - Miyahuna Jordan Water Company - Miyahuna - was established in 2007 as a limited liability company owned by the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ). Miyahuna is responsible for the provision of water and wastewater services to Amman (669,000 customers). In 2014 the company signed a three year management contract for Madaba (32,000 customers), and in 2015 Miyahuna took responsibility of managing water and wastewater services for Zarqa Governorate (170,000 customers).
PRECURSOR TO CURRENT PROJECT CIP - incomplete isolation and inadequate NRW Quantification. Three teams - each consisting of an International NRW expert firm and a Jordanian engineering firm - allocated 3 districts, each, to work on. Interventions of significance NRW impact identified: Isolation of subject districts. Quantification of NRW in total and by cause. Finding and decommissioning redundant pipes. Finding and fixing non-visible leaks. Pressure control, where possible.
CURRENT NRW PROJECT OBJECTIVES Reduce NRW in Amman, Zarqa and Madaba. Both physical (leakage) reduction and commercial (metering, illegal use) reduction. Save water and money. Stretch Jordan’s limited water supply (additional resource). Improve service to customers at a time of rapidly increasing population. Capacity-building at Miyahuna, including: NRW control procedures, GIS training, tender documents preparation, inspection and certification.
NRW PROJECT SCOPE AND TIMING Leak detection and mobile maintenance equipment. Comprehensive NRW reduction in 2 Distribution Zones (DZs) in Amman, and parts of Madaba and Zarqa. “Quick Wins” NRW reduction tasks in 8 other DZs in Amman. Use “test districts” to measure the marginal effect of each major NRW- reduction task. Some customer meter and bulk meter replacement in Amman, Madaba, Zarqa. SCADA in Amman, Zarqa and Madaba. Comprehensive customer survey in Amman. Timeframe: March 2015 to September 2019.
EXPECTED RESULTS Reduction of NRW to an acceptable level in the affected distribution zones. Quantification of the marginal impact of each NRW reduction action and its associated remediation cost. Implementation and monitoring of advanced technologies in test districts, such as the installation of district meters, modulating PRVs, communication of network data to the SCADA system, and installation of permanent leak detection equipment. Using the test districts for in-depth studies related to demand, accuracy of customer meters, leakage levels under various supply conditions, etc. Correction of the GIS and customers database regarding the location of each customer in the correct zone and district. Sustainable improvements via capacity building at Miyahuna.
NRW PROJECT FARA CONTRACT MECHANISM FARA = Fixed Amount Reimbursable Agreement. An Umbrella FARA, with a budget of $60 million, covers the entire Project. This is broken down into various Associate FARAs under which specific tasks are done. Miyahuna started to implement each Associate FARA, and are reimbursed as the work is certified by the MESC. Associate FARAs have fixed budgets; overruns are not reimbursable.
4/14/2018 PROGRAM ELEMENTS Umbrella FARA defines the general procedures, requirements and overall terms and conditions. Associate FARAs: Procurement of Leak Detection and Maintenance Equipment Implementing NRW Reduction in Distribution Zone (DZ 27) - Tareq Area Supply and Replacement of Residential Water Meters Implementing NRW Reduction in Distribution Zone (DZ33) - Yadoudeh Area Customer and Bulk Meters Replacement with optional AMR System Comprehensive Subscribers Survey in Amman
PROGRAM ELEMENTS, Continued Restructuring of 8 Distribution Zones SCADA (Amman) Procurement of Leak Detection and Maintenance Mobile Workshop Units for Miyahuna Zarqa & Madaba Customer meter replacement- Madaba and Zarqa Restructuring and Rehabilitation for part of Madaba Restructuring and Rehabilitation for part of Zarqa SCADA - Madaba and Zarqa
Comprehensive Approach 4/14/2018 NRW Approach Comprehensive Approach Quick Wins 01. DZ and District Isolation (Hydraulic Model) 02. Tertiary Network Replacement 03. Routine Quantification of NRW by District (Flow Balance and/or Minimum night flow) 04. Disconnection of Redundant Mains 05. Rehabilitation of District Meters 06. Leak Detection and Repair of Visible and Non Visible Leaks 07. Illegal Use Reduction 08. Customer Meter Replacement (U.S) 09. Pressure Control
ISOLATION OF DISTRICTS Field investigation revealed many more boundary breaches to correct than shown in the GIS. Isolation includes disconnecting redundant mains, through which there is leakage and the opportunity for water illegal use.
IMPACT OF ISOLATION AND CUSTOMER METER REPLACEMENT WITH ULTRASONIC METERS In test district 01-B4, NRW reduced from 19% (post isolation) to 5% (small meters only replaced with US meters) over a 40 hour supply period Other test districts had 23-25% NRW post isolation and customer meter replacement with US meters over 40 hour supply periods approx. FB Meter Type Supply Hours Inflow, m3 Metered Consumption, m3 NRW, m3 NRW, % MNF, m3/hr 1 Class B 40 2738 2220 518 19 2 2248 1851 397 18 4 US 1842 1746 96 5 6 54 2819 2530 289 10 11.2 3 70 3672 2381 1291 35 10.8 3576 2902 674
CONCLUSIONS TO DATE The importance of the isolation of DZs and their districts cannot be overstated. Ultrasonic meters proved effective to reduce NRW, especially under low flows, compared to the current Class B meters. The FARA mechanism is an effective way for: Fast track. Results oriented.
WHAT IS NEXT… Build on results achieved. Continue isolation as foundation. Quantification of NRW at the distribution zone and district level in order to better manage NRW and prioritize future investments. Prepare performance-based model tender documents for future private sector investment in NRW reduction.