Corporate Energy Efficiency Workshop Energy Management Survey Results May 5th 2017 Energy Management Survey Results
Q1 Does your municipality use an Energy Management Software (EMS)? Yes =16 / 70% No = 5 / 26% Unsure = 1 / 4% Currently we are using excel to load bills and perform analysis Just for one facility- in the process of awarding a tender for sub metering that may include EMS Software. Just started implementation April 2017. plan to develop an RFP to acquire Energy management software and determine how much it should cost us. The system is a web based one got 15 years ago. interested in investigating a software program others are using that is efficient and cost effective and can complete multiple task such as monitoring and budgeting.
Type Number EnergyCAP 6 / 38% Ameresco 3 / 19% EEMS 2 / 13% Lucid Entech Gold 1 / 6% FacilityDude/UtilityTrac NUS Direct
Strengths EnergyCAP Cost avoidance, calendarization and normalization, anomaly tracking, budgeting, EnergyStar, GHG emission calculations, O.Reg. 397/11 annual consumption reporting, tabular & graphical report generation, easy, robust, supports APIs , SAP compatible, automated bill uploading Ameresco User friendly, customizable dashboards and account structure, easy sorting features, good customer support & data validation, unlimited users EEMS Bills management, reporting, real time data, Inexpensive system with simple data input and basic reports of energy consumption Lucid Real time monitoring of facility consumption, helps investing and troubleshooting abnormal operation of equipment, public display, clear information Entech Gold Utility bill scanning & exporting, can track multiple meter types and generate multiple reports for each facility, allows for financial data inputs FacilityDude/UtilityTrac Group and facility trending by utility and intensity, benchmarking, weather normalization NUS Direct Utility bill management. Ease of use, bill data entry is incorporated into the service, also allows process-based metrics to be added for better alignment of efficiency measurement with specific industrial services (e.g. kWh per megalitre of water processed; kWh per tonne of waste)
Weaknesses EnergyCAP limited customizable dashboards, report formats locked, no in-time data monitoring, can’t receive data in the Green Button format, does not automatically address data gaps/overlaps Ameresco Limited reporting or availability for automatic or emailed reports to users, no real time capability, poor support EEMS Not user friendly, no report customization Lucid Doesn’t provide weather normalized data. Limited calculating Energy intensity use. Tricky to update Entech Gold Following up with utility on billing errors - Rectifying utility billing errors in software, weather normalization (reporting is weak) FacilityDude/UtilityTrac Lacks hourly data input and budgeting capability NUS Direct Doesn’t integrate with in-house submetering capabilities such as BAS. Doesn’t support pass through billing and renewable generation.
Fees Type Initial Set up Subsequent and additional fees EnergyCAP $30 – 65k (some can’t disclose) Huge range based on software upgrades, data entry, ongoing support, configuration, number of accounts, maintenance, contract obligations, hosting, licencing, training, auditing. Ameresco $13k, depends on # accounts EEMS $20k - $100k Lucid $50k for one facility Entech Gold $25k FacilityDude/UtilityTrac Depends on # meters. $6k for 150x NUS Direct $11,776 (108 accounts, 2 yrs historical data)
How you use your EMS Do you use your EMS for budgeting purposes? Yes = 12, 80% No = 3, 20% Is EMS recording data from utility meters and/or bills? Bills only = 6, 40% Both = 4, 27% No, = 3, 20% Meters only = 2, 13% Is the EMS connected to the Building Automation System No = 14, 93% Yes = 1, 7%
Can you share RFPs used for the EMS? Yes = 8, 50% No = 2, 12.5% Unsure = 6, 37.5% Acquisition dates back to the 1980's Conversion to electronic billing is critical to have an effective EMS did not have to go to RFP as cost under our purchasing bylaw limitations with 3 quotes I'm able to provide it although I wasnt involved in its procurement. It was done before I started here. It was done few years back and I cannot located it No RFP's have been issued at this time The procurement of the software was part of a RFQ for energy management services We don't have any RFP for the existing system. We may be able to share details once contract has been awarded for sub metering