What’s New in ProMonitor 9
Core EILP Appearance and Consistency Enhancements Confidential Comments Meetings Enhancements Learner Badges Home Page Enhancements
Improved Appearance and Consistency The appearance of SMART Target, Enrichment and Comments pages have been improved and made more consistent
Consistent Functionality Changes have been made to make using SMART Targets & Comments more intuitive and consistent across the system Functionality for creating new items has been improved Item filtering is now separated and styled to be more obvious One control is now used across all pages - consistent functionality SMART Target & Comments - Improved Filtering
Confidential Comments Security Layers: Comments are encrypted within the database table Comments can only be viewed by staff with permission Multiple Safeguarding / confidentiality levels can be configured Before viewing the Comment, a warning popup message is displayed
Meetings Meetings Overhaul Circulation List List of people involved in the Meeting. E.g. Student, Organiser, Witness, Parent, Personal Tutor Option to restrict the contents of the Meeting to only those in the Circulation List Meetings Overhaul
Meetings Meetings Overhaul Linked Documents (ICT will need to evaluate and test this before any planned implementation) Provides the functionality to upload documents against a Meeting Documents stored within the ProMonitor database Print Reports Export the Meeting Details to a word document in one or more customisable formats. Similar to Comments ‘Send To Word’ functionality. Meetings Overhaul
Learner Badges Assign up to 6 badges to students to extend the learner status Shown next to the Student Photo- in ILP, Student Group and Tutor Group Can provide feedback to students through ProPortal Can use the new Task Builder to automatically update badges after import is run or when user changes information in the website Update badges via the ILP risk indicators page
Home Page - SMART Target & Comments Clicking on a SMART Target from the Homepage or SMART Target Calendar will open the ILP page, filtering for the selected Target only The same is true for Comments
Home Page - Read Comments SMART Target & Comments - Improved Filtering Comments can now be marked as ‘Read’ by a member of staff This allows Staff members to remove read comments from their homepage view Open the help document – from here
Home Page - Read Comments Filter Settings SMART Target & Comments - Improved Filtering Open the help document – from here
Markbook Integrated Assignments Quick Task Creation Hide Markbook Columns
Integrated Assessments Create an assessment that can span multiple tasks across units
Creating Tasks Quickly Enter a Prefix and a Range (from and to) then press the Populate Tasks button
Markbook – Hide Columns New option to hide certain columns of the markbook using the Student Group Type (This is performed in the Admin Utility by an Administrator)
Markbook – Hide Columns Unit Markbook Markbook Configuration – The First Step!
Markbook – Hide Columns Assessment Markbook
OTHER THINGS… Progress Report Processing Automated Tasks Achievements On Entry New Study Programmes Page
Bulk Actions - Progress Reports Bulk completion is available on the Student / Tutor Group pages May allow us to process reports without the need to use the “Admin Utility” on 2X New Task Builder Module (Triggers and Actions) Not to be confused with Markbook tasks! A tool to automate certain actions within ProMonitor Send notifications for new SMART Targets, Meetings, Comments, Assessments etc. Achievements On Entry Page Not new but a realistic option to now activate and configure use for next year with data from EBS New Study Programmes Page
Achievements On Entry
Study Programmes New data imports – mainly focussed on importing ‘hours’ Reflects changes to MIS – separating ‘qual’ and ‘non-qual’ activity Enrichment and work experience pages improved in their own right Colleges can decide what to import and which hours to add in the calculation All brought together in a new overall Study Programme page This page also contains a review function College management have yet to evaluate this feature and decide if and how it might be used in 13-14
Enrolment import can now list hours Configurable text Course table specifies either ‘qual’……. ………or ‘non-qual’ Enrolment import can now list hours target can be default or specific for student figure to show additional hours required
And show how many hours are still required to meet the target We then add in details of hours already captured elsewhere And show how many hours are still required to meet the target
Lower section then presents qualifications on entry and a table where reviews can be recorded by staff
Thank You Please don’t forget that: Some things may still change – the software has not yet been released! Some things may still need to be configured Some things may not be used in 13-14 Thank You