Bell Quiz What are three ways to gather “Consumer Information?” What is a “Warranty?” What is one Consumer Magazine that you can compare products in?
Competencies Identify that president John F. Kennedy in 1962 fought for Consumer Rights and Responsibilities. Identify the appropriate way to write a consumer complaint letter Write a consumer complaint letter.
Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
1. To Safety/To Use Products Safely
Right: Responsibility: Government Protection Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Read information, use and care booklets.
2. To Be Informed/To Seek Information and use it to make decisions
Protection against false and misleading information. Right: Responsibility: Protection against false and misleading information. Choose appropriately
3. To Choose/Choose goods and services carefully
Shop a variety of places. Use consumer magazines Right: Responsibility: A variety of products Competitive prices No monopolies Shop a variety of places. Use consumer magazines
4. To Be Heard/To speak up and let likes and dislikes be known.
Consumer Protection Agency Right: Responsibility: Complain BBB Consumer Protection Agency Complaint letters Support reputable businesses