Automotive Enthusiasts … DEMOGRAPHICS: Core target is 18-45 yrs of age (wider 25-40) SOCIO-ECONOMIC: Mainly upper (Tshs 500,000+) and middle (Tshs 250,000 – Tshs 500,000) income categories LIFE STYLES: Mainly Employees and Businessmen VALUES: Spenders, self-worth, daring, adventurous, Self-confident, optimistic, courageous, role models ASPIRATIONS: Demonstration of possibilities, search for recognition and inspiration, showing off BEHAVIOUR: Living positive life, facing challenges and Capitalizing on opportunities
BACKGROUND With different exhibitions taking place in Tanzania, the automotive industry a pillar of any national economy has not been given the appropriate platform for stakeholders direct interaction with relevant public. The movers have envisioned a day that is designed to express the beauty of automotive elements yet capitalize on the day to enhance trade opportunities and sales lead generation for exhibitors. The exhibition will result in addressing key issues relating to the sector. In addition, the day is designed to bring together all automobile enthusiasts, motorcycle fans, corporate and other stakeholders that are engaged in the automotive business.
OBJECTIVES To sensitize stakeholders and the general public on the socio- economic importance of automotive industry i.e. recreational, commercial, employment etc. To leverage commercial prospects in the market.
Experiential Mobile show Branded promotional vehicles will be used for sales activation and event campaign. To sensitize awareness of event will involve all 3 districts in Dar es Salaam
Experiential Mobile show
THE DAY REGION: DAR ES SALAAM VENUE: Biafra Grounds TIME: 1000Hrs 1900Hrs INVITEES: Open to all DATES: 28th – 30th October,2016
KEY STAKEHOLDERS Car enthusiasts & Motorcyclists Corporate - companies and organizations that want to reach out to the public on the days. Thus having direct contact with industry stakeholders or with the crowd of people the day intends to attract. Media & General public
INVOLVEMENT The Event People will come and spend their day to enjoy, be entertained and learn about varied aspects in relation to the automotive industry. Corporate and other stakeholders are to use this opportunity to advertise their products and services and reach out to the wide relevant public.
INVOLVEMENT Other Involvements will include: Competitions – speed, endurances, stunts & others. Concours de’Elegance (Heritage enclosure) Theater of Dreams (Presentation Parlor ) Game – ( Raffles, best “pimped” ride, plus many more) Food Vendors – (nyama choma, fast food , drinks) Music/entertainment – (Live band, Dj Awards Ceremony
Sponsorship Benefits Why should I sponsor The Automotive Festival 2016? Sponsorship impacts on the visitor more powerfully than any other marketing tool A direct, cost-effective route to your target market Strategic brand association, Increased publicity amongst your target market at the event Initiate direct contact with potential clients, VIP’s and fellow exhibitors Unrivalled networking opportunities Benefit from extensive branding across the Show All of the above can be achieved using a combination of our unique sponsorship opportunities, ask for categories available.