our Sponsors
General Resource of Information Everything presented here can also be found on the QWG 2011 website This website will be continuously updated
General Information Lecture Hall All presentations will be held here in the Auditorium (AUD, SB1.1.201) Guest Card Please keep your guest card until you leave Lunch can be bought at the GSI canteen until 14h Social Dinner will be at GSI canteen on Thursday 19.30h Photo afternoon coffee break TODAY
General Information
General Information Shuttle buses from conference hotels start at 8h from hotels and at 19h from GSI gate. Since number of seats is limited, please understand that the priority is for people who booked via registration. Of course feel free to enter bus, when space is left. Help When you need help, please contact conference desk or anyone of the LOC (badge name in red)
Public Transportation from DA Centre Tram 6/7/8 (e.g. from Luisenplatz) dir. Arheilgen Go to terminal stop Dreieichweg Change to GSI transport bus
Wireless LAN Two possibilities to connect to WLAN @ GSI: SSID eduroam You should be able to connect with your home eduroam account SSID VPN/WEB Your conference folder contains personalized access data for the WiFi Net Open web browser with any page, e.g. Fill in your login/password in the form After some time of inactivity you will get disconnected – simply reconnect in that case
Info for Speakers We ask all speakers to provide their slides before the session where talk is scheduled Either you send via email to at least the day before until 17h. We‘ll upload them to Indico. bring on a memory stick to lecture hall, at the latest in the coffee/lunch break before
... and finally ... ... the Local Organizers wish everybody of you a very interesting workshop … so let‘s start and enjoy