LESSON 08 Using the gyro Sensor
Lesson introduction The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the Gyro Sensor and how to use it in a program.
the gyro sensor Learning objective: Students will understand how the Gyro Sensor works
Fitting the gyro sensor Learning objective: Students will understand how to attach the Gyro Sensor to the Basebot Task 1: The build – Fitting the Gyro Sensor Fit the Gyro Sensor in the front position as shown on the picture here This can be done using four of the 1x1 connector pins Once in position on the robot, connect the Gyro Sensor to the Brain using a Smart Cable of appropriate length. Fit the Gyro Sensor Cable into Port 4 of the Brain For the Experiment you will need to set up a pointer as shown in the photograph opposite using:
gyro Sensor Test Task 1: Using the ‘getGyroDegrees’ command with Power Learning objective: Students will be able to program the Basebot using the Gyro Sensor and ‘getGyroDegrees’ command Task 1: Using the ‘getGyroDegrees’ command with Power Complete the Task 1 experiment using the Gyro commands varying the power values but keeping the angle value constant Task 2: Using the ‘getGyroDegrees’ command Varying Angle with Power constant Complete the Task 2 experiment using the Gyro commands varying the angle values but keeping the power value constant What do the result tell you about using the Gyro sensor?
Gyro Sensor Test Test Setup: On a flat surface set up a cross with the back wheels on one line and the pointer pointing down the perpendicular line. Run the Program and measure the actual rotational angle of the robot.
Lawn mower Challenge The Challenge: People are always looking for easier ways to do manual, time consuming work. One such task is mowing large fields. On a flat surface set up a field adding blocks to form a grid pattern. You need to create a program using the Gyro Sensor that allows the Basebot to drive around the field passing through each of the grid sectors.
Lawn mower Challenge
Lawn Mower Challenge Part Sample Solution
LESSON - PLENARY As a class, let us consider the following questions? A. How does the Gyro Sensor work? B. Why do we need to reset the Gyro Sensor value at the beginning of the program? C. How does the speed of rotation and affect the angle turned? D. Where else might the use of a Gyro Sensor be useful?
Summary Today you have: Learning objective: Students will understand how the Gyro Sensor works. Students will understand how to attach the Gyro sensor to the Basebot. Students will be able to program the Basebot using the Gyro Sensor and ‘getGyroDegrees’ command. Students will be able to design a program for the Basebot to take part in the Lawn Mower Challenge. Today you have: Learnt how to control the robot using a Gyro Sensor Looked at how Gyro Sensors can be used to help program robots Programmed the Basebot using the ‘getGyroDegrees’ command