Suraki-Bhoomi ” - Landslides Early Warning System
Team Members Supervisor: Team Members: Mr. Dhishan Dhammearatchi S.A.Dissanayake IT 13 0815 08 W.A.S.R.Gunarathna IT 14 0857 72 D.G.T.Darshana IT 13 1213 34 H.M.P.M.Bandara IT 14 0194 32 IT13081508
Overview “SurakiBhoomi” - Landslides Early Warning System which specify to the landslides areas. This is a warning system to alert the people in landslides . Devices are placed at the risk area to get data to the system. IT13081508
Overview cont.… Present situation of landslides early warning system How to identify landslide area? How we detect landslide? How we inform to the people? Are they satisfied? IT13081508
Overview cont.… Our solution Data Mining. Earth displacement detecting sensor & Ground water level detecting sensor. Via Short Message Service (SMS) & siren. “SurakiBhoomi” Android application. IT13081508
Software Architecture Diagram
Product Perspective IT13121334
Product Functions IT13121334
User Characteristics User View Risky Areas Receive alert message Admin Analyze data Identifying landslides areas using data mining Generate Report IT13121334
Constraints / design constraints System Constrain Proposed Android application(“Suraki Bhoomi”) compatible with android 4.3 version or above PHP will be used for server development For database WAMP server is used NetBeans will be used for Desktop application development Design Constrain Android application will be fully user friendly and usable All the function and requirement will be designed during the available time period IT13121334
Assumption and Dependencies Battery capacity of the module is stable throughout the process Send out signal of the router is stable throughout the process Assume that people got the warning message Dependencies All the calculation and data analysis are depend on data mining Accuracy of the sensors Compatibility of the android operation system IT13121334
Classes / Objects IT14019432
Performance Requirements Android device Minimum of 1GB Random access memory Above 1GHz Dual Core Processor Storage minimum of 50MB (Depend on the device) Web server Minimum 2GHz Dual Core Prosser, recommended core i3 or above Minimum of 4GB RAM, Recommended 8GB RAM Approximately 20GB storage IT14019432
Hardware, Software & Communication requirements (both developer and user) Hardware Requirement Sensors Android Device Localhost web service for testing Software Requirement Android Studio version 2 WAMP Server 2.2 PHP Storm 10.0.2 NetBeans 8.1 Communication Requirement Wi-Fi Router to access the server IT14019432
Summary on data gathering IT14019432
Demonstration of the - External Interfaces – User Interfaces Mobile Application Welcome Screen IT14085772
Menu IT14085772
Map IT14085772
Location IT14085772
Desktop Application Location IT14085772
Menu IT14085772
Rainfall Details IT14085772
Sensor Interrface IT14085772
Soil Moisture Sensor Hardware Component This Sensor is used for measure the volumetric content in soil IT14085772
Water Sensor This Sensor indicate whether the sensor is dry, damp or completely immersed in water by measuring conductivity IT14085772
Gyro Sensor This is sensor is used for get the angular velocity. It change the rotational angel per unit of time IT14085772
Tension IT14085772
Arduino Mega Arduino mega is contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. IT14085772
Ethernet Shield This Shield allows an Arduino board to connect internet. It supports up to four simultaneous socket connections. Use the Ethernet library to write sketches which connect to the internet using the shield. IT14085772
Display All the sensor details and graphics are display in this device IT14085772