BBQ, BIG FAMILY CAMP OUT AND CHILDREN’S TALENT SHOW St. Matthews Primary School SCHOOL VALUES This week we have talked about: “RESPONSIBILITY” 22 June, 17 MONDAY 26 JUNE We have a tennis coach coming into school, all children will need their PE kit. AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS THURSDAY 3.15 to 4.15pm Sports Club. PLEASE NOTE THAT AFTERSCHOOL CLUBS COST £1 EACH, THIS IS TO HELP TO PAY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED SUCH AS PAYING FOR COACHES/RESOURCES ETC. ROUNDERS TOURNAMENT On Monday 26 June, Y5 and Y6 pupils are taking part in a rounders tournament at Beacon Hill School. NEW RECEPTION PUPILS As part of their induction pupils who are joining our school in September are coming into school on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon next week, BBQ, BIG FAMILY CAMP OUT AND CHILDREN’S TALENT SHOW On Friday 30th June BBQ £6 for adults £4 for children. Bring your own drinks. The Talent Show starts at 6pm followed by BBQ Talent Show only £2 each. PIMMS TENT RAFFLE
QUOTES FROM OUR Y6 CHILDEN WHO WENT TO GO APE ON TUESDAY Yesterday was really fun packed and thrilling. I loved the zip lines and Tarzan swing because they were nerve wracking! I loved our day it was really good fun. Kaye, I felt scared at first but it was really good. Liam. I enjoyed the huge Tarzan swing on site 5. I loved going down all the zip lines. Jude. It was excellent, it was fun and the best day ever. Louie. It was really fun and I was nervous. Being with my friends was real fun. Nathan. At first I was scared but once I was up there I loved it. I think it is one of the best things I have done with school during the day. Harry. CARLISLE CATHEDRAL YEAR 6 LEAVERS’ DAY Last Friday our Y6 children were invited to the Cathedral to be part of the leavers’ Service. There were Church of England primary schools from all over Cumbria. The sang fun songs, danced with the vicar leading the way, prayed for the next step they will take to senior school and listened to readings by other children. We had a picnic lunch before heading back to school. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our unique school is fun, secure and flooded with love and joy, we aim high to meet stimulating, challenging targets taking our journey forward through life.
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Menu 3 MONDAY Spanish Chicken or Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice or Pasta Or Chicken Fillets or Fish Fillets *** Tray Bake, Fruit or Yoghurt TUESDAY Sausage Lattice Pie, Mash, Veg and Gravy Cheese and Potato Pie Crumble and Custard or Tray Bake or Fruit or Yoghurt WEDNESDAY Roast Ham & Yorkshire Pudding, Mash, Vegetables and Gravy Jelly and Ice Cream or Tray Bake or Fruit or Yoghurt THURSDAY Lasagne & Veg and Salad, Garlic Bread or Rolls Quiche or Fish Tray Bake or Fruit or Yoghurt FRIDAY Hot Dogs (Pork Sausage), Onion, Veg and Salad or Smiles Chicken Fillets or Fish and beans If your child would prefer the optional alternative, please complete and return the order slip TWO days before to ensure we have all the ingredients. __________________________________ ORDER FORM: NAME/S___________________________________ WEEK BEGINNING: Please circle Baked Potatoes: Cheese Beans Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Salad Ham Cheese Egg Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Rolls Ham Cheese Egg Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
KESWICK MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL TRIATHLON Two weeks ago our Y6 pupils took part in the Triathlon. There were lots of other primary school taking part, it was a wet soggy day but they did themselves proud. They swam 2 lengths of the pool, got dressed, ran to Fitz Park where they biked around the perimeter then ran 400m around the track. It was a great experience and a different challenge for them. Well done! DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 30 June BBQ, Big Family Camp Out and Children’s Talent Show 4-5 July Y3 Camp Out trip Thurs 13 July Reception Parents’ evening Fri 14 July Sports Day 19 July Leavers’ Service Thurs 20 July Last day of term