Perkins Corrections RFP (Fund Code 452): BIDDER’S CONFERENCE


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Presentation transcript:

Perkins Corrections RFP (Fund Code 452): BIDDER’S CONFERENCE Gary Gomes, Karen DeCoster, Maura Russell Office of Career/Vocational Technical Education August 15, 2017 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

AGENDA Welcome, Overview, Century Link Orientation Emphasize essential components and priorities of Requests for Proposals - Fund Code 452 Review required documentation Discuss application review process Answer questions Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Overview Grant Overview: The 452 competitive RFP supports career & technical education program(s) for students in correctional facilities that would be improved/developed using Perkins funds. Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Purpose Funded activities will help students benefit from programs that meet the general definition of career & technical education. Proposed programs and activities would offer a sequence of at least two courses to: Provide students with coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions and provides technical skill proficiency, an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or an associate degree Courses may include prerequisite courses (other than a remedial course) that are coherent and rigorous and may include competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry of an individual. Funding Source: Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act, P.L.109-270 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Project Duration The project will run from the date of approval to August 31, 2018. All funds obligated and activities completed by June 30, 2018. (Requests for extension reviewed on a case by case basis.) Financial status report due April 30; outcome report June 29, 2018. Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Applicant Eligibility State and county correctional agencies, including the Department of Youth Services, are eligible to respond to this Request for Proposals Project lead must be identified in application Partnerships should include: employers, publicly-funded educational institutions, WIBs, or CBOs that provide publicly-funded educational services or supports to transition incarcerated individuals to the outside world Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Funding Priorities Priority will be given to applicants that address the funding priorities: The priorities are to improve or establish career and technical education programs for students in correctional facilities and to provide professional development for teachers in the programs. Funds must be requested for professional development. Funds may be requested for activities, services, and non-consumable instructional supplies that will improve career and technical education programs. Funds shall not be requested to support current teacher salaries and benefits. Funds shall not be requested to supplant state or local funds. Perkins funds cannot be used for remedial education. Fund use must not conflict with Perkins IV and the Massachusetts Perkins IV Manual. Partnerships should provide employment opportunities or post incarceration support. What are we missing? Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Funding: Additional Considerations All proposals must show activities of sufficient, size, scope, and quality to be effective: The definitions for sufficient size, scope, and quality as they pertain to this RFP are as follows: sufficient size - the activities and services are appropriate in duration in order to achieve intended outcomes and produce measurable results; sufficient scope - the activities and services are appropriate in depth and sequence in order to achieve intended outcomes and produce measurable results; sufficient quality - the activities and services are selected and designed using the results of research, and /or data analysis, and/or other forms of evaluation that provide evidence that the activities and services will achieve intended outcomes and produce measurable results. What are we missing? Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Perkins Requirements Career & technical education program(s) that would be improved with Perkins funds must meet the general definition of career & technical education, which means organized educational activities that - offer a sequence of courses* that— (i) provides individuals with coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions; (ii) provides technical skill proficiency, an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or an associate degree; and (iii) may include prerequisite courses (other than a remedial course) that meet the requirements of this subparagraph; and include competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry of an individual.

Funding Availability May apply for up to $30,000 May submit multiple applications Total available: $178,394 Contingent on funding availability What are we missing? Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Fund Use Proposals must: Provide training opportunities that lead to work supported by documented labor market demand, such as programs supported by evidence provided by the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development or other valid sources of labor market demand (Workforce Development Boards, Employers, etc.) Provide resumes/curriculum vitae of teachers which provide evidence of teaching the coursework to the target population Provide a detailed description of the program(s) to be established or improved with Perkins funds, including: the planned services/activities, contextualized learning, and integration of activities, class schedule, and the duration of both academic and technical coursework. Collaboration with Workforce Development Boards, Employers, Postsecondary Institutions and Community organizations are essential for this application. NOTE: OSHA 10 training, while it may be provided, is not part of a sequence of courses. OSHA 30 may be considered part of a sequence of courses depending on the program proposed. Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Fund Use Describe the academics classes to be provided as part of the program (Note: The classes may provide coursework at the secondary and/or postsecondary levels, but remedial or Adult Basic Education coursework cannot be funded using Perkins funds) and how they will be integrated with the technical education instruction. Describe how the proposed program will provide participants with access to and progression along career pathways in the local area upon release including but not limited to community partnerships with postsecondary education and training institutions or employers. Describe the professional development that will be provided to staff, especially supporting technical/academic integration and how the professional development will result in improvements to the programs listed above. Note that professional development is a grant requirement. (If Perkins funds will not be used to provide this professional development be sure to note it here and identify the other funding source in the budget narrative below.) Describe professional certifications or industry-recognized credentials will students receive as a result of participation in the proposed activities? Career and Technical Grant (Fund Code 405)

Fund Use (continued) Funds may be used for, but not limited to: Instructional staff Consultant fees (must be justified) Professional development Supplies (except consumable) and other non-duplicative costs necessary to run the program Perkins has specific allowable and unallowable costs - refer to Perkins IV Manual at   Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Budget Complete the budget page and explain how every item will support the program(s)’ goals and placement of students Supplanting local funds is not allowable Purchasing consumable supplies is not allowable

Perkins Checklist Complete the Perkins Checklist. Identify areas that your facility is having difficulty implementing. Identify steps you might take to be in more compliance with Perkins.

Required Documentation Part I — General — Program Unit Signature Page — (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants) Part II — Budget Detail Pages (both pages) Part III — Required Program Information Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Financial Status Report Due: April 30, 2018 Reports Financial Status Report Due: April 30, 2018 Email Describe how funds were used and what funds remain Include descriptions of programs and curriculum development; provide samples Final Report Due: June 29, 2018 Provide student outcomes, including credentials attained and outcomes (entered employment; entered school/additional training) Identify supports/resources that would be necessary to improve outcomes Not to exceed three (3) pages, single-spaced, 10 point Arial Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Selection Process Grant Applications - reviewed and scored by a team from the Department. Review Team - assess proposals based upon strength of answers given to criteria specified in RFP; recommendations for approval are made exclusively by the review team. Applicants - notified via email as soon as possible after all levels of review have occurred. Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

Submission Instructions Submit five (5) sets of completed proposals, each with an original signature of the Sheriff; Chief Executive Officer Hard copies of originals must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday September 8, 2017 Mail t: Margie Roberts Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-4906 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405)

QUESTIONS? Questions and answers in webinar will be posted in the CVTE News section of our website at: Additional questions will be accepted until August 30, 2018 and can be submitted to Gary Gomes, Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education