Major Projects - An Accessible City (AAC) Barry Candy (Downer)
AAC Projects March 2017
Manchester Street Overview Works on Manchester between Lichfield and Hereford Street substantially complete. Its open to 2 way traffic. Just final seal, road marking, traffic loops, street furniture etc to go. Works continuing down Manchester from Hereford to Armagh Street. Road construction is underway between Gloucester and Worcester Streets. Deep drainage work is being undertaken between Armagh and Gloucester Streets. From Hereford Street north is 1 lane. Flow North to South. Completion expected Nov 2017.
Manchester Street Hereford Street Intersection 1 lane. Flow East to West. Completion expected May 2017. Worcester Street Intersection East side closed due to other works. Completion expected June 2017. Gloucester Street Intersection Work not yet begun. Completion expected July 2017. Armagh Street Intersection 1 lane. Flow West to East. Completion (subject to other works) Oct 2017.
Durham Street Overview The project has been split into two phases, Kilmore to Hereford and Hereford to Tuam. Works substantially completed from Kilmore to Hereford Streets. Soon open to 2 lane traffic. Some work on Armagh, Gloucester, footpaths on East side, landscaping still to complete. Ongoing work from Hereford to Tuam. Reduced to 1 lane. Aim to open 2 lanes by the end of April. However work will continue due to design changes and delays in other projects. Aim to complete all work by September 2017.
Durham Street Hereford Street Intersection Cashel Street Intersection 1 lane. Flow East to West. Completion expected May 2017. Cashel Street Intersection 1 lane sometimes. Feeder into Durham St. Completion expected April 2017. Lichfield Street Intersection Currently working on East side. Completion expected Sep 2017, dependent on JESP. Tuam Street Intersection Work not yet begun. Completion expected June 2017, dependent on JESP.
Overview Hospital Corner Works started on St Asaph Street and Hagley Avenue. Drainage work is happening first, followed by kerb build and preparation. Once we get the opportunity, we will mobilise in the Tuam / Montreal intersection (currently waiting on Connetics). St Asaph is 1 lane and will be for the next couple of months. Hagley Avenue will be restricted to 1 lane each way. We want to mobilise on Montreal Street, to pothole to confirm the drainage design. This will restrict the traffic flow on Montreal St. Still subject to PLD. Plan is to do this work interpeak.
Stage 3a: Tuam Street (south side, Montreal St to Antigua St) Stage 3a: Tuam Street (south side, Montreal St to Antigua St) April – June Stage 3b: Tuam Street (north side, Montreal St to Antigua St) May - September Stage 4a: Montreal Street (east side, Tuam Street to Cambridge Ave) April – September Stage 1a: Hagley Ave (west) Mid May 2017 Stage 2b: St Asaph Street (south side, Stewart St to Antigua St) June 2017 Stage 4b: Montreal Street (west side, Tuam Street to Cambridge Ave) April – September Stage 1b: Hagley Ave (east) Mid May 2017 Stage 2a: St Asaph Street (Hagley Ave to Stewart St) June 2017 Stage 2c: St Asaph Street (north side, Antigua St to Hagley Ave) June 2017