Sustainable Remediation Case Studies Chemical Engineer Fernanda Bertaco Bueno Environment Expert Bureau of Environment of the City of Sao Paulo Technical Group of Contaminated Areas Professional Master's Degree Student in Sustainability Studies at University of São Paulo September 2016
CONTENT Introduction Objective Research Methods Results Conclusions Case Studies Frontier Fertilizer Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC Former St. Croix Alumina Plant Conclusions
INTRODUCTION Figure 1 – Life-cycle diagram illustrates the effects of remediation activities on atmosphere, soil and water. Source: DTSC - Intern advisory for green remediation. 2009. <>.
INTRODUCTION Sustainable Remediation Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) - Soil and groundwater risk-management actions that are selected, designed, and operated to maximize net environmental, social, and economic benefit. (SMITH, J.; KERRISON, G.) Sustainable Remediation
OBJECTIVE Presentation of some sustainable practices applied in remediation technologies from three international case studies, focused on the most common occurrence types of contaminated areas in the state of Sao Paulo.
RESEARCH METHODS Sustainable remediation cases studies: Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information – USEPA SURF USA
RESEARCH METHODS The most common contaminants that were identified in contaminated areas in the state of Sao Paulo; and The most employed remediation systems that were identified in contaminated areas in the state of Sao Paulo. Selection Criteria
The main contamination sources of the state of Sao Paulo RESEARCH METHODS The main contamination sources of the state of Sao Paulo Source: List of Contaminated and Rehabilitated Sites of the state of Sao Paulo from December/2015 published by CETESB.
RESEARCH METHODS The most common contaminant group that were identified in the sites of the state of São Paulo Source: List of Contaminated and Rehabilitated Sites of the state of Sao Paulo from December/2015 published by CETESB.
RESEARCH METHODS The most employed remediation technologies for cleaning up contaminated sites of the State of São Paulo Source: List of Contaminated and Rehabilitated Sites of the state of Sao Paulo from December/2015 published by CETESB.
RESEARCH METHODS Based on the most common occurrence types of contaminated areas in the state of Sao Paulo such as contaminants and remediation systems, three sustainable remediation cases were selected: Frontier Fertilizer Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC Former St. Croix Alumina Plant
RESULTS Frontier Fertilizer Sustainable practices: Contaminants: Pesticides, carbon tetrachloride, and other contaminants of concern (COCs) on groundwater and soil Remediation technologies: In situ thermal treatment - electrical resistive heating (ERH) system and Pump-and-treat Sustainable practices: • Implementation of renewable energy sources (solar) for power supply into a portion of the P&T system's electricity use; • Use of materials and technologies such as variable frequency drives (VFDs) in all extraction wells, which enable water pumps to accommodate fluctuating demand by adjusting their motor speed, rather than pumping in an energy- consuming start-stop pattern.
RESULTS Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC Contaminants: VOC, SVOC, PCBs and metals on soil and groundwater Remediation technologies: Pump-and-treat, hydraulic barrier wall, excavation and onsite consolidation of impacted soils, in situ thermal remediation Sustainable practices: • Quantitative assessment of CO2 emissions of the potential corrective measure alternatives; Reuse of onsite contaminated soil after in situ treatment as grading fill beneath constructed cover systems; • Installation of low permeability cover systems to prevent storm water infiltration and perimeter groundwater hydraulic barrier wall to limit influence of rivers on groundwater levels to reduce groundwater extraction rate in P&T; Extensive ecological restoration and preparation of a portion of the site for future use.
RESULTS Former St. Croix Alumina Plant Sustainable practices: Contaminants: Hydrocarbons on groundwater Remediation technologies: Pump-and-treat and Free Product Recovery Sustainable practices: • Implementation of renewable energy sources (solar and wind) for power supply into hydraulic skimming pumps and some recovery wells; • Reuse of recovered petroleum product as feed stock for oil refinery.
CASE STUDIES Economic gains Renewable energy systems for power supply to remediation equipment Economic gains Long-term benefits, such as reduction in the carbon footprint of an energy-intensive remediation project Creation of opportunities for new energy markets and jobs In situ treatment for contaminated soil Economically viable Reduction of costs, air emissions of trucks, and surroundings impacts on communities near by landfills.
Environmental, economic and social benefits RESULTS Reduction of energy demand and electricity consumption and reduction in the rate and the volume of groundwater extraction after renewable energy systems Environmental, economic and social benefits Reduction of long term costs related to energy consumption Increase of quality of life in communities in the surrounding regions by reducing waste burdens.
Sharing experience and lessons learned is essential to CONCLUSIONS Demonstrate effectiveness, feasibility, benefits, costs and barriers for incorporating sustainable practices Sharing experience and lessons learned is essential to Encourage stakeholders for adopting technologies and management tools that consider sustainability into site cleanup decisions
REFERENCES SMITH, J.; KERRISON, G. Benchmarking of Decision-Support Tools Used for Tiered Sustainable Remediation Appraisal. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, v. 224, pp.1-11, 2013. Sustainable Remediation Forum – SURF. Case Studies US EPA. Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information – Additional Contributors: Wanda Maria Risso Günther - Associate Professor at the School of Public Health at University of São Paulo Arlindo Philippi Jr. - PhD in Public Health and professor at University of São Paulo