LU Alumni Ambassadors College Fair Training Thank you for volunteering to be an Alumni Ambassador! We sincerely appreciate your time and commitment to helping Lawrence continue to thrive by helping us reach more prospective students as they journey through their college search. I’m going to share a bit about why we’re expanding our efforts as a college fair participant and then we’ll dive right into how the process works.
Admission Office Mission: As an Alumni Ambassador, you are truly an extension of the Office of Admissions. With that, our mission is as follows: We strive to treat our prospective students in a way that makes them feel nobody has treated them better than Lawrence University As an Alumni Ambassador, you are truly an extension of the Admissions Office. With that, I want to share our mission. We strive to treat our prospective students in a way that makes them feel nobody has treated them better than Lawrence University. Whether they choose Lawrence or not, we have the distinct opportunity to define their perception of Lawrence University. Even if it’s not a fit for one student, they may have a sibling, family member, or friend that will be a perfect fit.
College Fairs Thanks to the generous support of our alumni, Lawrence University is represented at nearly 200 college fairs each year. We would not be able to reach as many prospective students without your great work!
College Fair Box The box of materials will be shipped 1-2 weeks before the fair. This is all you’ll need to bring with you to the fair. Box Includes: Nametag College Fair information Admissions materials Table banner and décor Please set aside time to review the materials before the college fair. Once you’ve signed up for a fair, a package containing everything you will need for the college fair will be shipped to you 2-4 weeks before the fair. Box Includes: Nametag College Fair information Admissions materials Table banner and décor Set aside time to review the materials before the college fair. So, you’ve now signed up for a college fair, your Handy Dandy College Fair Box has been delivered, and you are ready to go to the fair!
College Fair Table College Fair Table Not everything in the box goes on the table… Items numbered 1-7 go on the table for students The rest of the information is for your reference Admissions and Communications work hard to keep the look branded - simple and straight forward - please use this photo as a guide for how to set your table Once you’ve signed up for a fair, a package containing everything you will need for the college fair will be shipped to you 2-4 weeks before the fair. Box Includes: Nametag College Fair information Admissions materials Table banner and décor Set aside time to review the materials before the college fair. So, you’ve now signed up for a college fair, your Handy Dandy College Fair Box has been delivered, and you are ready to go to the fair!
What do I wear? Business casual attire is recommended for most college fairs* Show your LU pride by wearing blue and white *Be sure to check the college fair invitation form in the college fair box for any special dress code details.
College Fair Day Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes early with your College Fair Box so you have time to park and get your table set up before students and their families arrive Check-in at information desk before heading to your table – they will let you know where your assigned table is as well as direct you to available refreshments Wear your name tag Please wear comfortable shoes as you will likely be standing at your table the majority of the time You may also want to bring a bottle of water (or two) to have at your table in case it’s not provided for you by fair hospitality Stay until the end On the day of the college fair, be sure to arrive early with your Handy Dandy College Fair Box in hand. We recommend that you arrive at least 30 minutes early, to allow yourself time to setup the table and familiarize yourself with the space. Some fairs may provide light snacks/refreshments beforehand, but we do encourage you to eat before the college fair. When you arrive, check-in at the information desk BEFORE heading to your table. Wear your name tag, and take tally of how many prospective students you connect with throughout the fair. This is very important information to help us plan for future fairs. And please stay the end of the fair And don’t forget most of all … Be Awesome! (NEXT)
During the Fair SMILE Tally how many prospective students you speak with Encourage students to fill out the inquiry card to receive additional information (the back is optional) Conversation starters How is your college search going? Are you just getting started? What are you interested in academically? Is there something specific you’re looking for? What do you like to do outside of the classroom?
General Guidelines There are some general guidelines that are typically expected of College and University representatives at college fairs: Please stand behind your table Please don’t give away candy/LU swag (pens are ok and will likely disappear whether we “give” them away or not)
Share your LU Story… Remember, Admissions Counselors are available for tough questions! Please feel free to jot notes down on the back of an inquiry card if we need to follow-up on specific additional information. Your experiences here at Lawrence are far greater a testament to what becoming a Lawrentian will be like for them than any one-page flyer we could make. Share. Your. LU. Story. And engage the student in a conversation to hear what their interests are and if Lawrence University is a good fit for them. Occasionally, you will get a tough question that will make you scratch your head. Don’t worry, you've got back up. Admissions counselors are here to answer any tough question that may arise. Make note of it on your college fair form and we will be sure to get the student in contact with the appropriate person on campus.
Things to keep in mind… College fairs are often the first point of contact for many prospective students and their families Students are in high school and their level of preparation for their college search will vary. Some will be savvy and some may not know what to ask so you may need to give them a 1 minute introduction to Lawrence.
LU Overview If you only have a quick minute to describe LU, here are some great things to share: Lawrence University is a residential liberal arts college and conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. Our student body is made up of about 1500 intellectually curious, diverse, multi-interested students from nearly every state and 50 countries. The LU experience embodies: A Rigorous and Challenging Academic Experience A Welcoming and Supportive Community Preparation to Succeed in a Rapidly Changing World If you have more than a minute, please feel free to expand on how these themes relate to your experience.
HAVE FUN! This is a great way to meet some incredible young people so enjoy your time with them! Don’t forget to HAVE FUN! This is a great way to learn about some incredible young people so enjoy your time with them!
After The Fair Please mail the College Fair Report along with the Lawrence table banner, and any prospective student inquiry cards back to Lawrence within 1-3 business days. We need to get these students in our system as soon as possible and will likely need to repack your banner into another box to send to another alumnus for another college fair. Banners cost about $90 each to replace and cards are PRICELESS! Thank you for your attention to the time sensitivity of the follow-up! So, the fair is now done! You’ve made a really great positive LU first impression on prospective students and their families. What now? Mail the College Fair Report along with the Lawrence table banner, and any prospective student return cards to Lawrence within 1-3 business days. We want to be sure we are following up with students in a timely manner, that is why it’s a top priority for us to receive the materials asap.
Lynette Schroeder at Questions? Amanda Bradley at (920) 832-6916 Lynette Schroeder at (920) 832-6549 *We are counting on you to represent us when you volunteer to do a college fair but we also know life happens so please let us know asap if something comes up and you are not able to attend.