Matthew Dig Site 8 Red Level Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew Dig Site 8 Red Level Questions

Who heard in prison what Jesus was doing? (11:2) Peter and James James and John John the Baptist

Who heard in prison what Jesus was doing? (11:2) Peter and James James and John John the Baptist

What did John the Baptist do when he heard what Jesus was doing He escaped from jail to see Jesus. He sent his disciples to talk to Jesus. He praised God for all Jesus was doing.

What did John the Baptist do when he heard what Jesus was doing He escaped from jail to see Jesus. He sent his disciples to talk to Jesus. He praised God for all Jesus was doing.

What questions did John’s disciples ask Jesus? (11:3) “When will you die on the Cross for us?” “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” Both answers are correct.

What questions did John’s disciples ask Jesus? (11:3) “When will you die on the Cross for us?” “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” Both answers are correct.

What answer did Jesus give to John’s disciples? (11:5) “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed.” “People everywhere have all they need.” Both answers are correct.

What answer did Jesus give to John’s disciples? (11:5) “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed.” “People everywhere have all they need.” Both answers are correct.

What question did Jesus ask the crowd about John the Baptist? (11:7) “What did you go out into the wilderness to see?” “How can we get John out of prison?” “Which of you has faith like John the Baptist?

What question did Jesus ask the crowd about John the Baptist? (11:7) “What did you go out into the wilderness to see?” “How can we get John out of prison?” “Which of you has faith like John the Baptist?

What did Jesus say had been written about John the Baptist? (11:10) “I will make him a great prophet.” “I will send my messenger ahead of you.” “Someday he will wear fine clothes.”

What did Jesus say had been written about John the Baptist? (11:10) “I will make him a great prophet.” “I will send my messenger ahead of you.” “Someday he will wear fine clothes.”

What did Jesus say about John the Baptist? (11:28) “Among the prophets, he is the greatest ever.” “Among my followers, he is the most faithful.” “Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist.”

What did Jesus say about John the Baptist? (11:28) “Among the prophets, he is the greatest ever.” “Among my followers, he is the most faithful.” “Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist.”

What invitation did Jesus give to people? (11:28) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” “Come to me, all you who are hungry, and I will feed you.” “Come to me all you who are poor, and I will supply your needs.”

What invitation did Jesus give to people? (11:28) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” “Come to me, all you who are hungry, and I will feed you.” “Come to me all you who are poor, and I will supply your needs.”

What did Jesus say about His yoke and burden? (11:30) “My yoke and burden fit everyone perfectly.” “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” “My yoke and burden make you strong.”

What did Jesus say about His yoke and burden? (11:30) “My yoke and burden fit everyone perfectly.” “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” “My yoke and burden make you strong.”

What did Jesus’ hungry disciples do one Sabbath? (12:1) Picked heads of grain and ate them Turned stones into bread Went out to fish

What did Jesus’ hungry disciples do one Sabbath? (12:1) Picked heads of grain and ate them Turned stones into bread Went out to fish

How did Jesus reply when the Pharisees said it was not lawful to pick and eat grain on the sabbath? (12:2-7) “You are right. They did wrong.” “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Both answers are correct.

How did Jesus reply when the Pharisees said it was not lawful to pick and eat grain on the sabbath? (12:2-7) “You are right. They did wrong.” “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Both answers are correct.

Who did Jesus say is Lord of the Sabbath? (12:8) God the Father The angels in heaven The Son of Man

Who did Jesus say is Lord of the Sabbath? (12:8) God the Father The angels in heaven The Son of Man

When Jesus went to a synagogue, what special person was there “The high priest from Jerusalem” “A man with a shriveled hand” “A woman who had been blind for 12 years”

When Jesus went to a synagogue, what special person was there “The high priest from Jerusalem” “A man with a shriveled hand” “A woman who had been blind for 12 years”

In the synagogue, what questions did the Pharisees ask Jesus in order to bring charges against Him? (12:10) “Is it lawful for sick people to be in the synagogue?” “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” “Will you heal this man on the Sabbath?”

In the synagogue, what questions did the Pharisees ask Jesus in order to bring charges against Him? (12:10) “Is it lawful for sick people to be in the synagogue?” “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” “Will you heal this man on the Sabbath?”

How did Jesus answer the Pharisees’ question about healing on the Sabbath? (12:10, 12) “I never heal on the Sabbath.” “Sometimes it is right to heal on the Sabbath.” “It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”

How did Jesus answer the Pharisees’ question about healing on the Sabbath? (12:10, 12) “I never heal on the Sabbath.” “Sometimes it is right to heal on the Sabbath.” “It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”