ServiceLink Training Video Adding TAA Continuing Eligibility and Benefit Payments This video will show you how to add continuing eligibility and benefit payments for Reemployment Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (R/ATAA), and payments and overpayments for R/ATAA and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Copyright © 2014, America’s Job Link Alliance–Technical Support (AJLA–TS) All rights reserved. This publication may be copied by subscribers for in-house use only. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior written permission of AJLA–TS.
R/ATAA continuous eligibility and benefit payments are tracked from the R/ATAA Enrollment Details page. To access the R/ATAA Enrollment Details page, locate the client on your My Cases page or by conducting a client search. Click the client’s name. On the client’s Case Details page, scroll down to the Program Registrations section. Click the open Trade Act enrollment link. The TAA Program Details page displays. Click the R/ATAA program enrollment link. The Enrollment Details page displays. To view the client’s R/ATAA continuing eligibility information, click the R/ATAA link.
Annualized Reemployment Income Hourly Wage of the Continuing Employment x Hours Worked x 52 Weekly Benefit Annualized Dislocation Wage (Hourly Wage at Dislocation x Hours Worked x 52) – Annualized Reemployment Wage/2/52 Monthly Benefit Annualized Dislocation Wage – Annualized Reemployment Wage/2/12 Benefit Paid Benefit paid is based on the pay period of the employer. The R/ATAA Continuing Eligibility page documents the client’s continued employment, which is a requirement for continued eligibility for R/ATAA wage subsidy payments. For each Continued Employment entered, AJL calculates the Annualized Reemployment Income, Weekly Benefit, Monthly Benefit, and Benefit Paid as shown in the table. The calculations display on the Continuing Eligibility page, along with the Total Paid, Remaining, and Eligibility End Date. To add continuing employment, click Add Continuing Employment. Provide, at a minimum, the required information. In the Pay Check for Week Ending box, enter the week ending date (usually a Saturday) of the pay period that the paycheck covers. If the client is not paid by the hour, calculate the hourly wage by the amount of the paycheck divided by the number of hours worked during the pay period. When you are finished, click Add. The entry is added to the client’s Continuing Eligibility page and the Annualized Reemployment Income, Weekly Benefit, Monthly Benefit, Calculated Benefit, Total Paid, and Remaining are automatically calculated.
To view the client’s R/ATAA benefit payments (wage subsidies), on the R/ATAA Enrollment Details page, click R/ATAA Benefit Payments. Any previous payments made to the client display. To add a benefit payment, click Add Payment. The date fields default to the current date. Edit as necessary. The Date of Benefit payment cannot be the same or before the Payment Period End Date. When you are finished, click Save. The payment you just added now displays. AJL calculates the Total Paid and the Remaining Balance each time a payment is added. Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. For states using FiscalLink, R/ATAA payments are tracked in FiscalLink. FiscalLink users do not need to document payments on this page.
To view the client’s R/ATAA payments and overpayments, and whether or not overpayments are waived, on the R/ATAA Enrollment Details page, click Payments. To add a payment, click Add Payment. Select the service. The Service dropdown lists only the services provided for the current enrollment. Type the payment amount and pay date. If the payment is an overpayment, and the overpayment is waived, select the Waived checkbox. Select the payment type: Regular or Overpayment. When you are finished, click Add Payment. The client’s Payment page now displays the payment you just added. To edit the payment, click the link in the Pay Date column. For states using FiscalLink, payments are tracked in FiscalLink. However, FiscalLink users still need to use this page to document overpayments and whether they are waived. Payments and overpayments can also be added for TAA enrollments. On the TAA Enrollment Details page, click the Payments link. The functionality for adding a payment or overpayment is the same for TAA as for R/ATAA.
Thank You! Now you know how to add continuing eligibility and benefit payments for R/ATAA, and payments and overpayments for R/ATAA and TAA. Thank you for completing this training.