What’s New in your Bloomberg April 2009 What’s New 2005 Bloomberg L.P. All rights reserved.
Equity MDM<GO> ALRT<GO> Have a look at your enhanced combined market depth monitor and immediately identify best bids and offers, last trades, and key market for your security from selected venues. ALRT<GO> Together with the possibility to create alerts for your watch list for price changes, analyst recommendations, events and corporate actions as example, you can now create alerts on Earnings Estimates. Check how with ALRT<GO>!
Equity EQS<GO> EQS<GO> is even stronger now! Select your own criteria, apply your own ranking model and generate the best ideas to have the best portfolio or the best stocks in your hand.
Funds FSRC<GO> Use FSRC<GO> to generate a list of funds based on a specific search universe criteria. You can use FSRC to find funds with specific features, characteristics so you can evaluate which ones best fit your investment needs and monitor the performance and key data statistics.
Fixed Income SNAC<GO> GOVI<GO> Follow all new conditions for how Credit Default Swaps (CDS) should trade on North American credits with SNAC<GO> and how this will chance your CDSW<GO> , your CDS calculator. GOVI<GO> With GOVI<GO> you have now a matrix of yield spread information for sovereign debt
Commodities Use CMBQ<GO> to display an overview of key price and volatility data, charts, statistics, and related market influencers for a selected commodity. CMBQ covers all major commodities, including energy, metals, agriculture, and livestock. Use OVML<GO> to price listed commodity options – Analyze pricing parameters, run solvers or perform scenarios to better assess the risk of your trade. Create strategies by combining listed options and mark-to-market them on a intraday basis. Click on Strategy and Find Asian, Barrier, Digital, Risk Reversals, Spread, etc.
Foreign Exchange Use OVDV<GO> to display, create, modify, and/or share the FX volatility surfaces for a specific currency pair. You can customize the set of maturities for any surface and specify points as at-the-money (ATM) values and absolute call/put values or butterfly (BF)/risk reversal (RR) spreads for the deltas. You can also use OVDV to determine the price/strike for any maturity, expiry, delta, or strike for a specific currency pair. OVDV surfaces can be used within our excellent option calculator OVML as well as the FX option portfolio analysis OVRA. Use PPP<GO> to help determine a currency’s fundamental valuation. The Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory of exchange rate determination asserts that the long-run trend in an exchange rate is determined by cumulative differences in national inflation rates. PPP offers three measures of currency valuation: the Bloomberg Long-Run Average PPP Methodology, the OECD PPP Methodology and the Economist magazine’s Big MAC PPP estimates which compares the price of a single good in each country.
Charting GRAP<GO> Get all you need with GRAP<GO>, our new integrated graphing solution. Here you will see your Custom Charts , sample and featured charts and access to chart of the day or other chart functions/resources.
News & Communication MSG<GO> NSE<GO> You Bloomberg MSG<GO> give you now the chance to send MSGs with Cc and Bcc recipients and reply to All. Together with a more powerful MSG Search enables you to instantly connect with the most influential financial players around the world. NSE<GO> NSE<GO> is your news search engine. Create your own news search criteria, save it and add it to your Launchpad and access immediately news stories, research reports, and multimedia presentations.
Coming up… Seminars, Stockholm BU<GO> Sign up now!
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