IT IS 2110 Class # 13 February 22, 2017
Which mode is used to extend Wifi Coverage: Master Managed Ad-hoc Mesh Repeater Monitor
Lecture - Wireless View four videos this session Take notes while viewing I will consolidate notes after on PP Wireless II.pptx Class: create good questions for test Minimum of 2 good questions from each video If you don’t come up with good ones I will make hard ones Some of these questions will be on the End-term Minimum of 2 total on test Maximum of 8 total on test
Lecture - Wireless haktip-17: 802.11 Frames ..\Haktip Videos\hak5--haktip--0017--wifi-frames--large.wmv9.wmv haktip-19: Beacon Frames and Injection ..\Haktip Videos\hak5--haktip--0019--beacons--large.wmv9.wmv haktip-21: Frame Analyzing ..\Haktip Videos\hak5--haktip--0021--baconbeacons--large.wmv9.wmv haktip-23: Probe Requests and Responses ..\Haktip Videos\hak5--haktip--0023--probesomting--large.wmv9.wmv My Helpful Web Pages: