Treatment of Caries. General treatment and local intervention depending on the stage of caries. mineralization therapy. Anesthesia during preparation of cavities Features of treatment of deep caries. Medical substances and physical methods in the treatment of dental caries.
Treatment of Caries Treatment of caries in the stage of spots made by conservative methods (mineralization therapy). In the presence of carious cavity - surgery methods (recovery of lost structure by Sealing Materials).
Stages of mineralization therapy : mechanical cleaning of teeth from dental plaque; drying of teeth; the affected area of calcium gluconate solution imposed by 15-20 minutes and then 2% solution of sodium chloride. 3% solution remodent used as applications.
Treatment of destructive forms of caries done with the prior preparation of dental hard tissue and restoration of lost structures with filling material.
Operative treatment Dental cavities (fillings) preparation of the mouth, Anesthesia, Isolating the operating field carious cavity preparation, blending or isolating therapeutic pads Sealing; Processing, grinding and polishing of fillings.
Hygienic preparation of the oral cavity Previous cleaning, professional hygiene, using paste "Nupro" ("Dentsply"), "Proxyt" ("Vivadent"), "Detartrine" ("Septodont") Hygienic mouthwash antiseptic solutions, decoction, mouthwash
Pain relief
Stages of preparation
Opening and expanding the cavity
cavity formation
Types of support - the fixed points of the I class
washing of the cavity
Overlay medical, insulating gaskets and seals
blending or isolating therapeutic pads Blending Options insulating pads when filling: 1 - cement; 2 - amalgam; 3 - composite materials, chemical polymerization; 4 - composite
Requirements for isolating pads Be biocompatible with the pulp and hard tissues of the tooth; be impervious to acids and monomers, which are allocated by hardening constant seals; have good adhesion to dental hard tissue and permanently seals; have low thermal conductivity;
-Have a coefficient of thermal expansion as the solid tissues; Shrinkage-reducing polymeric restorative materials; Have a low-shrinkage; -Carry a static load associated with redistribution of chewing pressure (be strong); -Be resistant to oral fluid; No-change tooth color;
Laynernaya gasket - thin layer of cement interlinings Feature: protect the pulp from chemical action of permanent filling material. Overlaps: to the bottom and wall cavities; only the bottom; optimum thickness of 0,5-0,7 mm pads
Base gasket - a thick layer of cement lining material Features: restore the tooth dentin; protect the pulp from thermal and chemical stimuli; improve the retention properties of cavity; stonsheni mechanically strengthen the wall of the tooth; withstand large masticatory pressure; Optimal thickness base gaskets ,75-0-1mm .
medicative pads Imposed on the bottom of carious cavities: for drug action on the pulp; for dentin mineralization
Classification of medical pads action for dentine (containing calcium hydroxide); inflammatory effects (zinc-evhenol cements); Combined treatment paste.
Indications for using of therapeutic pads relief of inflammation in the pulp; action on microflora; anesthetic action
Requirements for medical pads not irritate the dental pulp; provide anti-inflammatory and reparative effects on pulp; possess bactericidal and bacteriostatic activities; have good adhesion; be plastic; pressure resistance after curing .
Scheme of sealing in the treatment of acute deep caries 1 - medicinal paste (pad); 2 - artificial dentin; 3 - insulating lining; 4 - permanent filling material
Putting in contact with the antagonist, polishing, buffing
finishing with discs Sof-Lex™ Polishing heads
Determination of occlusial contacts
Different types and forms of matrices
Restoration of contact points
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