Red Tape Impact Assessment PMB PC – Small Business Development 7th February 2017 Red Tape Impact Assessment PMB
To Radically Reform the Regulatory Environment
Radical Regulatory Reform Consequences Kickstart the SMME Revolution Ease entry into the mainstream Economy Building an Inclusive Society Guarantee the Right to Trade Accelerate Social Transformation Economic Transformation that will see Growth and Job creation Solution for the Triple Challenges Anti-Poverty Strategy that links social and economic outcomes to all 3 levels of Government. Fast track the road to a better South Africa for all.
Counting The Cost of Red Tape 2004 Report SBP
Counting The Cost of Red Tape
Counting The Cost of Red Tape
Counting The Cost of Red Tape
Counting The Cost of Red Tape
Counting The Cost of Red Tape
Counting The Cost of Red Tape
Counting The Cost of Red Tape
10 Elements to Radically Reform the Regulatory Environment. Reform must be contained in Legislation Broken Window Principle Apply on New and Existing Regulatory Measures Identifying New Existing Costing Reforming Measuring efforts Long Term Sustainability All Spheres of Government Political Will
Red Tape Impact Assessment Bill B 13 - 2016
Purpose of the Bill Seeks to: Assessment of Regulatory measures Executive, Legislators & Self-Regulating Bodies Reduce Red Tape Reduce Cost of Red Tape to Business Establishment of Administrative Units Assistance Provide for: Mapping Costing Evaluation
Contents Chapter Description 1 Definitions, Application and Objects of Act 2 Administration Units 3 Evaluation of New Regulatory Measures 4 Evaluation of Existing Regulatory Measures 5 General Provisions
Chapter 1 Section Description 1 Definitions for the various terms * 2 Extent to which the bill will be Applicable 3 3 Spheres of Government 4 Purpose of the Bill *
Chapter 2 Section Description 5 Establishment of Red Tape Impact Assessment Units * 6 Duties of Units 7 Functions and Powers of Units * 8 Reporting *
Chapter 3 Section Description 9 General Responsibility 10 Mapping of Regulatory Measures * 11 Red Tape Impact Assessment * 12 Proses: Primary legislation 13 Proses: Self-Regulatory Bodies * 14 Exemptions
Chapter 4 Section 15 * Exciting Regulatory Measures Setting a Baseline Reducing Baseline by 25% within 5 years One in one out principle
Chapter 5 Regulations Time Frame Short Title Commencement Date
Radical Regulatory Reform Kickstart the SMME Revolution Ease entry into the mainstream Economy Building an Inclusive Society Guarantee the Right to Trade Accelerate Social Transformation Solution for the Triple Challenges Economic Transformation that will saw Growth and Job creation Anti-Poverty Strategy that link social and economic outcomes to all 3 levels of Government. Fast track the road to a better South Africa for all.
Last Thought Bill displays all ten elements of the Best Practises in OECD Countries Bill is the first step to radically ease entrance to the mainstream of our economy to guarantee an inclusive business society that will create jobs and reinstate human dignity in our communities. It’s the first steps towards addressing the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality. The committee will gain the legacy of the champions that radically reformed the regulatory environment to the benefit of the poor.
Thank You