Introducing Midwest Tropicals, Inc. Foliage and Flowering in the Landscape for 2017 1 / 17
Midwest Tropicals and KFishColor About Midwest Tropicals Established in 2009. Business consists of two divisions: Foliage & Containers / Supplies. Midwest Tropicals and KFishColor in partnership for cost savings. Ordering Requirements Pre-book by middle of February to ensure quantities needed. Minimum for delivery is $300.00 / Delivery charge is $35.00. Pick-up is always welcome. 2 / 17
Midwest Tropicals and KFishColor Ordering Requirements (Cont’d) Florida trucks arrive Monday in the AM. Have to unload trucks, sort, and deliver. Please keep this in mind if a Monday delivery is needed. Order needs to be confirmed the Tuesday before (ONE week notice) to ensure it will get picked up on time in Florida and delivered to Chicago on Monday. Price quotes are valid for 14 days. Midwest Tropicals to bill you for cost savings. Price quotes valid for 14 days. 3 / 17
Patio Plants in the Landscape Pink Mandevilla Trellis Oleander Bush Hibiscus Bush 4 / 17
Patio Plants in the Landscape Plectranthus Mona Lavender California Bush Daisy 5 / 17
Palms in the Landscape Landscape Hardy Sago Palm Majesty Palm Chinese Palm Pony Tail 6 / 17
Cordyline in the Landscape Cordyline Red Sister Cordyline Red Star Cordyline Exotica 7 / 17
Palms in the Landscape Landscape Hardy Robellini Palm Windmill Palm 8 / 17
Other Foliage of Interest Croton Mamey Croton Petra Variegated Ginger ZZ Plant 9 / 17
Other Foliage of Interest Sanseveria Laurentii Philodendron Selloum Dianella Flax Lily Dracaena Limelight 10 / 17
Other Interesting Tropical Foliage Alocasia California Colocasia Black Banana 11 / 17
Blooming Plants / Seasonal in the Landscape Hydrangea Kalanchoes Azaleas Cyclamen 12 / 17
Blooming Plants / Seasonal in the Landscape Aechmea Primera Guzmania Neoregelia 13 / 17
Holiday Plants Easter Lily Poinsettia 14 / 17
Hanging Basket Foliage Pothos Golden Algerian Ivy Boston Fern 15 / 17
Ferns Boston Ferns Macho Ferns Kimberly Ferns Foxtail Ferns 16 / 17
We look forward to working with you! 17 / 17