Brazil- Stereotypes and other ideas for teaching Case studies of people that live in the Brazilian cities. Where are the cities? Sao Paolo Brasilia Rio? A child like me. A day in the life of a child in a city. Where do the majority of people live in Brazil?
How does it effect climate? Rainforests Why is it here? How does it effect climate? Why/How are changes happening? What choices are available for the people living their? Is it the only significant habitat in Brazil? What about the Matto Grosso?
A m a z o n Who shares it? Logging. Both sides of the story. Who lives there? Conservationists-Always right? Deforestation.
Sunshine Is it always sunny in Brazil? Is the climate different in different parts of the country? What is the seasonal variation? How does climate effect how Brazilians work and play? Sunshine
Why do the Brazilians speak Portuguese? History Why do the Brazilians speak Portuguese? Why is it called a ‘cultural melting pot’? Sporting history. Just football? What other sports? Religion. What are the traditional religions?
Exports. Coffee, beef, soya, brazil nuts. Government? Industry. VW Camper vans... Fair trade. The Plateau
Brazil is not the Rainforest The Amazon is not only in Brazil Brazil is incredibly geographically diverse Brazil is not the only country in South America Brazil is not a region