Logistica en la Industria Quimica 7°Seminario Logistica en la Industria Quimica Brasil: Infraestructura y retos logisticos en un mercado emergente 05 de Junio de 2014 www.leschaco.com
Agenda 1. Leschaco in Brazil 2. Geography 3. Customs & Regulations 4. Inland Transport 5. Challenges 6. Solutions 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Curitiba, Vitória, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife, Belém, Manaus. Leschaco in Brazil LESCHACO do Brasil Ltda. est. 1979 Head Office Branch Offices São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Santos Guarulhos Viracopos Agents: Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Itajaí, São Francisco do Sul, Paranaguá, Curitiba, Vitória, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife, Belém, Manaus. 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Leschaco in Brazil 35 years in Brazil Established 1979 135 employees and proper customs brokers Staff Chemicals, Pharma, Automotive, Machinery, Consumer Goods, Industrial Automation etc. Markets Oceanfreight, Airfreight, Customs Clearance, Tank Container, Door-to-Door, Outsourcing etc. Our services 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Agenda 1. Leschaco in Brazil 2. Geography 3. Customs 4. Inland Transport 5. Challenges 6. Solutions 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Geography 8,5 million km² - 4,5 times Mexico 8500 km of coastline + 30 sea ports + 30 international airports 1.750.000 km of roads & highways, but only 250.000 paved almost 30.000 km of railways +40.000 kms waterways but only less than half used, from which 80% in Amazonas region 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Ports Geography 8,5 million km² - 4,5 times Mexico 8500 km of coastline + 30 sea ports + 30 international airports 1.750.000 km of roads & highways, but only 250.000 paved almost 30.000 km of railways +40.000 kms waterways but only less than half used, from which 80% in Amazonas region 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Airports Geography 8,5 million km² - 4,5 times Mexico 8500 km of coastline + 30 sea ports + 30 international airports 1.750.000 km of roads & highways, but only 250.000 paved almost 30.000 km of railways +40.000 kms waterways but only less than half used, from which 80% in Amazonas region 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Federal Highways Geography 8,5 million km² - 4,5 times Mexico 8500 km of coastline + 30 sea ports + 30 international airports 1.750.000 km of roads & highways, but only 250.000 paved almost 30.000 km of railways +40.000 kms waterways but only less than half used, from which 80% in Amazonas region 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Railways Geography 8,5 million km² - 4,5 times Mexico 8500 km of coastline + 30 sea ports + 30 international airports 1.750.000 km of roads & highways, but only 250.000 paved almost 30.000 km of railways +40.000 kms waterways but only less than half used, from which 80% in Amazonas region 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Waterways Geography 8,5 million km² - 4,5 times Mexico 8500 km of coastline + 30 sea ports + 30 international airports 1.750.000 km of roads & highways, but only 250.000 paved almost 30.000 km of railways +40.000 kms waterways but only less than half used, from which 80% in Amazonas region 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Geography Brazilian Main Ports 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Geography Chemical Industries 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Geography 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Agenda 1. Leschaco in Brazil 2. Geography 3. Customs & Regulations 4. Inland Transport 5. Challenges 6. Solutions 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
New Regulation MTE NR 29 & ANTAQ 2239 dtd Oct 2012 Customs & Regulations New Regulation MTE NR 29 & ANTAQ 2239 dtd Oct 2012 Import Documentation: FISPQ in portuguese (MSDS) Emergency Sheet Dangerous Goods Declaration Export Documentation: MDGF in english FISPQ in portuguese Emergency Sheet in portuguese Dangerous Goods Declaration in english 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Average delay for Customs Clearing Customs & Regulations Average delay for Customs Clearing Import Oceanfreight: 5 – 15 days Import Airfreight: 2 – 8 days Export: 1 – 2 days SISCARGA: Electronical Register of all BL Data 48 / 72 hours before arrival / sailing. Any change after that is subject to customs fine of R$ 5.000 per BL, payable within 5 years after the event. Target: Electronical Manifest & BL Project Paperless Port 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Brazil – a geographical challenge Agenda 1. Leschaco in Brazil 2. Brazil – a geographical challenge 3. Customs 4. Inland Transport 5. Challenges 6. Solutions 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Transport of Dangerous Goods per Road & Rail as per ANTT regulations Inland Transport Transport of Dangerous Goods per Road & Rail as per ANTT regulations (Agencia Nacional de Transportes Terrestres) Based on the Orange Book of the UN (ADR, ADN, RID etc.) SASSMAQ Certification Transport of Dangerous Goods on Waterways as per ANTAQ regulations (Agencia Nacional de Transportes Aquaviarios) Based on international agreements as IMDG, Codes UN-GHS, BCH, IBC, IGC etc.) Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air as per ANAC regulations (Agencia Nacional de Aviação Civil Based on international agreements as IATA, ICAO 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Brazil – a geographical challenge Agenda 1. Leschaco in Brazil 2. Brazil – a geographical challenge 3. Customs 4. Inland Transport 5. Challenges 6. Solutions 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Challenges 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Challenges 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Low average draft requests constant investment in dredging Challenges Oceanfreight: Low average draft requests constant investment in dredging High Terminal costs Poor Hinterland connections Poor Road / Rail access Airfreight: Very few national full cargo flights Only few airports offer direct international flights High Terminal costs High cost of intermodal transboarding Road Transport: Inland Logistics depends on trucking Road network is in bad conditions and reached its capacity Many federal highways are neither asphalted nor duplicated Coastal Cabotage: Small offer on suitable ships Low port productivity Small ports High cost of intermodal transboarding Railway: 2/3 of the network is abondoned or not explored Very low average speed, in urban centers often less than 25 km/h Waterways: Most of the navegable rivers are far away from the industries Very low average draft Many obstructions through rocks 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Brazil – a geographical challenge Agenda 1. Leschaco in Brazil 2. Brazil – a geographical challenge 3. Customs 4. Inland Transport 5. Challenges 6. Solutions 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
PAC – Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento Solutions PAC – Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento Investment for promotion of employment, infrastructure and economical development PAC 1: R$ 640 billion 2007 - 2010 PAC 2: R$ 955 billion 2011 - 2014 Until december 31st 2013, 76,1% of the total budget for the period had been spent 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Solutions 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
Plano Nacional de Logistica e Transportes (since 2006) Solutions PNLT Plano Nacional de Logistica e Transportes (since 2006) Use of new technologies in order to determinate future logistics flows per industry PNLP Plano Nacional de Logistica Portuaria Special Investment in the strategically important ports of Santarém, Vila do Conde, Pecém, Suape, Salvador, Aratu, Vitória, Rio de Janeiro, Itaguaí, Santos, Paranaguá, Itajaí and Rio Grande Port Infrastructure Investment R$ 54 bi from 2013 – 2017 Implementation of PNLI Plano Nacional de Logistica Integrada Implementation of 12.000 km new rail lines Implementation of 5.000 km new highways and roads Rehabilitation of + 50.000 km of the actual road network Yearly Investment in transport at least 1% of the GNP (other BRICs 4% – 6%) Increasing Partnerships with Private Industries and Concessions for Ports, Airports, Highways and Railways. Improve model of licitations Attract international investors for PPPs 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
São Paulo VCP Airport São Paulo GRU Airport Santos Port equipment Solutions São Paulo VCP Airport São Paulo GRU Airport Santos Port equipment Santos Port Terminal 14.04.2018 www.leschaco.com
05 de Junio de 2014 www.leschaco.com