What the rich man might have thought Luke 16:19-31
Contrasts Rich Man No name Independent “good things” “dressed in purple” “joyously living” “died and was buried” “in torment” Lazarus Name given Dependent on others “bad things” “covered with sores” “longing to be fed” “died and was carried” “being comforted”
Observations God knows your name! How much more personal can it be – not my country, state, county, city, street, church, family…my name! 2 Timothy 2:19; Luke 12:4-7; Revelation 20:15 Don’t assume what you are enjoying and experiencing now will continue. Comfort and pleasure? Anguish and pain. Anguish and pain? Comfort and pleasure. Matthew 6:1-2, 5, 16; Luke 6:20-26
LESSONS LEARNED If you were the rich man in torment, what do you suppose you might be thinking?
Lessons Learned How could one be in such pain? “agony” – “to cause intense pain, to be in anguish” Vs. 24 – “dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue” How intense would this suffering be if it could be eased by water on the tip of a finger?
Lessons Learned You might wonder why you thought so much of your earthly possessions. Suddenly, the bigger house, more land, different car, better job, amount of clothes, valuable jewelry, desired standard of living just don’t seem that important anymore. What did I see in them? Why did I think these were so important? How did I get so distracted with temporary things? Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Timothy 6:7
Lessons Learned You might wonder why you were afraid to make the needed changes in your life? Though encouraged to do so: Galatians 6:1; James 5:19-20; Hebrews 13:17 Was it due to the possibility of losing: Friends – 1 Peter 4:4 Family – Luke 14:26 Position – John 9:22 Money – Matthew 16:26 Was there just never a convenient time? Felix - Acts 24:25
Lessons Learned My influence may prevent others from listening to truth. Verse 28 – Implication? They were following the example of their brother who had it all. Which would be worse, the physical anguish of torment or the mental anguish of knowing your influence might lead others to this same place? To the rich man’s brothers – “What if your brother was wrong?” He would plead with you to listen!!
Lessons Learned Now you know what hopelessness feels like. Realize we are sinners but we learn those sins can be forgiven! HOPE! (Acts 2:37-38) Realize we are not walking faithfully but learn we can repent and be forgiven! HOPE! (Acts 8:22) Realize I’ve strayed from the truth but can repent and be forgiven! HOPE! (James 5:19-20) We pillow our head, disappointed in our words or actions that day but pray for forgiveness and strength to do better tomorrow! HOPE! We die unprepared, awaken in torment and know our destiny is sealed! HOPELESSNESS!
What about you? One day we will ALL follow one of the two paths in this story! Will you be buried, as the rich man, or will you be carried, as was Lazarus? Will you awaken to torment or to comfort?
What the rich man might have thought Luke 16:19-31