Carry on the IFP legacy. Why? A) The IFP experience has transformed individuals and given them more assets: social assets: cohort, international friends & professors Intellectual and professional assets International experience more confident to use their knowledge and skills in addressing social issues. B) Impact of IFP can begin to be seen in the what alumni are doing as social change agents. Social commitment: “Not paying back, but pay it forward…” C) The alumni group is a strong collective actor who share a unique identity throughout their origins, IFP journeys, and after their returns to communities.
What? First discussion June 12, 2010 in Hanoi. A) Continue writing alumni stories : Alumni Stories live on as role models of public servants, community “leaders”; - Write more stories, make more videos distribute to the media, local communities. B) Options of activities which may have similar impact as IFP. - Original Water Lilies Fund support students of the same target population to complete undergraduate education? Too long, difficult to monitor. Support marginalized students to complete vocational schools? Help students but not communities Support marginalized students to complete secondary schools? Government’s responsibility. Support for MA degree study in an international environment? Higher pay off. We want more members of disadvantaged communities like us to have what we now have and to come back to their communities? YES!
Had access to information about the IFP Support more people of the same target group, who are socially committed and possess academic qualifications, to obtain graduate study abroad. Many scholarship programs are available in Vietnam today, Why are members of underrepresented communities still left out? Reflect on our own experience: Being socially committed and having academic credentials and ability was not enough. What had happened that enabled us to have the IFP experience? Had access to information about the IFP Was able to study English language before competing Received guidance on how to complete IFP application.
To continue the IFP legacy in Vietnam What are available resource and opportunities? Existing pool of potential candidates - Scholarship programs available to Vietnamese citizens and seeking similar target population English language programs can be designed. CEEVN’s Experience In managing Language Study Fund IFF support 2011 - 2013 Local stakeholders Alumni IFP Mission
Had access to information about the IFP Support more people of the same target group, who are socially committed and possess academic qualifications, to obtain graduate study abroad. Many scholarship programs are available in Vietnam today, Why are members of underrepresented communities still left out? Reflect on our own experience: Being socially committed and having academic credentials and ability was not enough. What had happened that enabled us to have the IFP experience? Had access to information about the IFP Was able to study English language before competing Received guidance on how to complete IFP application.
Social Commitment Higher Education SCHOLARSHIPS Application English Scholarship info Work Experience Bachelor Degree Social Commitment
The IFP Vietnam Alumni Scholarship Support Fund First meeting: June 12-13, 2010 in Ha Noi to discuss legacy building activities: 6 alumni, 2 selection panel members, & CEEVN Alumni made presentation to the rest of panel members. Collected $8,100 The IFP Vietnam Alumni Scholarship Support Fund (IVASF)
The IFP Vietnam Alumni Scholarship Support Fund Higher Education The IFP Vietnam Alumni Scholarship Support Fund (IVASF) SCHOLARSHIPS Application English Scholarship info Work Experience Bachelor Degree Social Commitment
Annual Alumni Meeting Oct 2010
Third meeting on legacy building activities in Ho Chi Minh City April 2011 IVASF Drafted announcement to inform all alumni members; Formed fund raising task force; Collected additional $2,000 contribution from alumni; Designated members to Board of Trustees of IVASF and appointed first term executive committee; Alumni Stories: Formed a task force to work on Alumni Stories;
The IFP Vietnam Alumni Scholarship Support Fund Alumni & CEEVN review existing candidate pool to determine if more recruitment is required For 2011-2012 Alumni advise candidates on completing applications Higher Education SCHOLARSHIPS Application Select 2 cohorts/year, 25 In each cohort for 5 months intensive English training English Alumni collect scholarship info, make this available to potential candidates Scholarship info Teacher’s fees Books, Travel, Living allowance Work Experience Bachelor Degree The IFP Vietnam Alumni Scholarship Support Fund (IVASF) Social Commitment 2 cohorts (25 x2) 2011 - 2012 2 cohorts (25 x2) 2012 – 2013
25 100 15 60 8 32 4 16 Expected Outcome Oct – Feb 11 Mar – July 12 Aug 12 – Dec Jan - May 13 TOTAL Selected to study English with IVASF support 25 100 Able to apply for scholarships for graduate study 15 60 Selected for International Scholarships 8 32 Gained entrance to in-country MA study 4 16
IFP Vietnam Alumni Scholarship Support Fund (IVASF Board of Trustees Advisory Members (2) (rotate) CEEVN (1) Alumni (2) International members (2) Fund Raising Task Force Executive Committee alumni & CEEVN Program Monitoring Selection Domestic International
CEEVN – IFP Vietnam Timeline Activities Jan-June 2011 July-Dec 2011 Jan – Dec 2012 Jan – June 2013 Monitoring active fellows 119 99 84 47 Continuing in-country PAT cohort 2010 University placements of 2010 cohorts Registering fellows attending PAT at host universities Departures of Cohort 2010 to host universities Post Fellowship: expected number of of alumni residing in country. 157 165 202 247 Legacy building A: Promotion of IFP models: Scholarship Support Fund (IVASF)- support for English study 25 25+25 Legacy building B: Alumni stories in paper and video forms. 15 30 Organizing Archive materials
Scholarship Support Fund continue to operate IFP Vietnam Alumni A Collective Actor After 2013 Alumni Stories live on Activities of thematic groups continue as they strengthen their networks and discover more areas they can contribute expertise. Continue to spread Mobilizing Assets for Community driven Development (ABCD) approach to change mindsets. Scholarship Support Fund continue to operate for another 3 years.