Implementing the African Road Safety Action Plan ECA-ECE-ICAP Workshop Robert Tama Lisinge UNECA 7-8 July2015
Objectives Improve understanding of extent to which African countries are implementing the African Road Safety Action Plan Collect baseline data Assess performance across different pillars of Action Plan Identify areas were more effort should be directed Identify and disseminate best practices
Motivation and Contribution 2015 is midway in the African RS Action Plan (2011-2020) ECA expected to undertake mid-term review ECA contributes to reports of UN Secretary General on Road Safety Study provides evidence-based and updated information First continent-wide quantitative study on the RS Decade in Africa Study is part of ECA Work Programme
Structured Questionnaire Methodology Mixed Methods Qualitative In-depth Interviews South Africa Zambia Malawi Cameroon Quantitative Structured Questionnaire
Questionnaires Administered during SSATP-RS Management Workshop (18-19 June 2014, Addis Ababa); ECA-ECE-IARD Workshop (12-13 Nov 2014) Respondents asked to rate the extent to which their countries have implemented activities in the Africa Action Plan as follows: Not at all or insignificantly Some action taken or action in progress Fully 23 countries responded
Analytical Framework Country Performance Activity Performance Overall performance (Action Plan) Performance by Pillar Overall Ranking (Action Plan) Ranking by Pillar Activity Performance High rate of implementation Activities in progress Poorly implemented activities
Country Performance in Pillar 1 18% of countries have fully implemented more activities than those that are in progress or for which insignificant action has been taken 39% of countries have a larger share of activities for which insignificant action has been taken compared to those in the other categories
Performance by Expected Accomplishments of Pillar 1 (1)
Performance by Expected Accomplishments of Pillar 1 (2)
Pillar 4
Ranking of Countries by Performance
Good Practices 1 Coordination: MoU for RS stakeholders in Zambia, Namibia National RS Council/Committee (Burundi, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Cote d’Ivoire) RS Strategy/Action Plan (Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, Senegal, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia) Infrastructure: Road safety audits/inspections (Malawi, Zambia) Commitment: Government funding/Annual RS conference in Namibia; Road fund allocation: (Ghana, Ethiopia, Guinea)
Good Practices 2 Training: Scholarship to attend RS training abroad (South Africa –Mandela Charity on Road Safety); Study tour to France (Benin) Deterring drunk-driving : High-level officials arrested in Kenya High-level Political Commitment: Year of Road Safety declared by President of Togo; Ghanaian President champions RS in West Africa Age restriction for imported vehicles: Senegal (5 years for cars/8 years for trucks); DRC (10 years)
Policy Implications Strengthen data collection as well as analysis and reporting systems Accelerate reforms/modernisation of systems to improve the accuracy of data Raise awareness of police of the importance of accurate and timely reporting of RS data Provide a critical mass of road safety experts in national organisations directly involved in RS Explore all possible financing options Internal and External Public and Private Huge scope for sharing of experiences among countries
Limitations Only 23 countries completed questionnaire Respondents not necessarily sufficiently informed on all Pillars of the Action Plan
Way Forward Countries update/revise responses in questionnaire Questionnaire complete by more African countries (preferably all African countries) Undertake analysis using a bigger sample of countries (preferably the entire population) Update report on performance in the implementation of the African RS Action Plan (mid-term review report)
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