career development across Integrating career development across health and social care Stephanie Tempest Ruth Crowder Paul Cooper #COT2017
BACKGROUND The Career Development Framework: Guiding principles for occupational therapy #COT2017
Debating terms Guiding principles: “Any principles or precepts that guide an organisation throughout its life in all circumstances, irrespective of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work, or the top management.” Competencies: “A cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or an organization) to act effectively in a job or situation.” #COT2017
Main uses Individual level: map current level of experience & plan future learning Service level: identify strengths in the team and future needs when recruiting Commissioner / funder / decision-maker level: to articulate the expertise of occupational therapy personnel at different career levels As a Profession: to emphasise the range of skills we have, to articulate our right to apply for range of jobs and to promote occupation-centred identity #COT2017
Hard copy Implementation Guide Coming soon (Autumn 2017): Interactive pdf Web-based tool Hard copy Implementation Guide Resources to support using it in practice #COT2017 @setG75 @theRCOT
Contextualising for social care occupational therapists in Wales NHS Wales Social Services Developments in Wales have produced some exciting developments.: Our services are becoming very integrated and the policy intent is to move to ‘one workforce’. Where OTs working and integration. In NHS Wales – frameworks to help OTs make their career progression, supervision frameworks, and Advanced practice frameworks- even the support workers have a framework. Explain CPEL- particularly the link to job progression. ? #COT2017
RCOT secured a framework for occupational therapists in social care Demonstrate competence to HCPC; employer; colleagues, self and citizens map your skills and plans to create a career pathway in social care: or move across the whole sector So what happened to occupational therapists in social care? – little support, workforce hardly seen Poor access to supervision and CPD opportunities in some areas, variable investment Difficult to see a career route in social care- variation in the pay and grades of jobs. as move to integrated services, difficult for OTs to demonstrate the competence or experience: hardly seen or thought of in workforce matters What we did and new framework- Ministerial launch in autumn, how it links to both the NHS AHP framework, and the rCOT career framework and how it incorporates the asdv practice framework- all use pillars and levels. So how do we use it?? So how does the framework help? The Career Framework wil lbe usable in any setting, or any country- it articulates our right to move around the sector and employers. In Wales we are thrilled to announce that the lobbying of RCOT has secured a National Career Framework for occupational therapists insocial care. #COT2017
Ana’s story……. ability to recognise and have confidence in own skills and experience Demonstrate that to managers and new team colleague Consider promotion opportunities Overcome anxiety re service change Demonstrate importance of occupation and occupational therapy in a service which hasn’t always grasped what we offer Title only showing: - tel lthe ‘story’ left hand side: show the circle and levels right hand side- so what: ability to recognise and have confidence in own skills and experience Demonstrate that to managers and new team colleague Consider promotion opportunities Overcome anxiety re service change Demonstrate importance of occupation and occupational therapy in a service which hasn’t always grasped what we offer Frameworks articulate our right to move around employers #COT2017
Pillars of practice Time - 10 Minutes In pairs estimate the career level you feel you may be at for each of the four pillars of practice in the Career Development Framework – don’t worry if it feels a bit uncomfortable! Feedback – 10 Minutes #COT2017
Group work Time - 30 minutes. What abilities would you like to develop next in your career? What are your three key learning needs for the next few months? How would you sum up this mapping experience in three words? This will look at looking at the Career Development Framework in more depth to establish: #COT2017
Integration and the Career Framework How do you think you could use the Career Framework to support integration within your own setting? #COT2017
Feedback and Questions #COT2017
Contacts details Dr Stephanie Tempest Education Manager for Professional Development @setG75 Ruth Crowder Policy Officer, Wales @RuthCr Paul Cooper Professional Advisor @PaulCooperOT #COT2017