Field Dressing A Deer One of many ways
Why Field Dressing Must be Done Properly and Quickly Letting a deer cool down can cause disease spreading bacteria to set in To prevent the wasting of the meat To ensure the wellness of those planning to eat the meat
Post Kill Procedure Wait for the deer Track the deer very carefully Make sure it is dead TAG YOUR DEER
Post Kill Procedure (cont.) Drag the deer out of the woods Rope Drag Strap Hook Strap Have Someone Help You
Proper Knife Knife must be sharp Cannot be too big 2 kinds of knifes Straight blade Hide Cutter
Straight Blade
Hide Cutter
Using Hide Cutter
Remove External Organs First step in dressing is removal of the anus and sex organs Then the pelvis must be split
Opening Up the Gut Begin incision where at the top of the hole made where the penis was removed Be careful not to puncture any organs Use your fingers to guide the knife
Remove Organs After the cut is made pull all organs out Be careful not to break open organs Ruptured organs can taint the meat
Open the Rib Cage Cut through the diaphragm Use a saw to cut open the rib cage Open rib cage and remove all other organs left inside
Remove All Excess Open the throat and remove the esophagus Clean out all other left over material inside the body cavity
Finishing the Dressing Clean the deer out with water Place a spacer in the rib cage Allow cavity to thoroughly drain
To the Butcher Now that the dressing is complete you may take your deer to a butcher All that work has now paid off
The End Good Hunting