Muna Alhammadi Zayed University, Dubai Barriers Faced by Students with Vision Impairment in UAE Higher Education Institutions Muna Alhammadi Zayed University, Dubai
Table of contents Introduction Research methods. Results of the study. Universities’ efforts in accommodating SWVI. Challenges faced by universities.
Introduction History of special education in the UAE. Inclusion policy in the UAE. Federal law No (29) of 2006 regarding the rights of persons with disabilities. The gap between legislation and practice. The problem to be addressed.
Research methods Research participants (55). Qualitative research methods. Three case studies. Time frame of data collection: 2010-11, 2012-13. The author’s perspective as SWVI.
Results of the study .
1. Issues in the preparation of SWVI for higher education in the UAE 1.1 Braille literacy 19 SWVI out of 24 undertook Braille training. Only 10 SWVI used Braille at university. Braille training was not offered at UAE schools. Some SWVI did not practice braille after learning it.
1. Issues in the preparation of SWVI for higher education in the UAE 1.2 Orientation and mobility O&M 10 SWVI undertook O&M training. Only 8 SWVI were able to use a white cane. Lack of O&M training offered in the UAE. The level of the SWVI vision loss. Social attitudes towards disability.
1. Issues in the preparation of SWVI for higher education in the UAE 1.3 Using assistive technology 15 SWVI of 24 undertook computer training. Only 6 SWVI could use computers independently. Computer training was offered at limited centers. Some SWVI undertook very short training.
2. Accessibility issues 2.1 Access to the physical environment Significant accessibility issues were found at the three universities. General understanding of accessibility focused on providing ramps, special toilets and parking. Accessibility for SWVI focused only on providing elevators with braille.
2. Accessibility issues 2.2 Access to information SWVI needed to have access to course materials, online resources, and libraries. These resources were largely unavailable. A lack of experienced support staff. Accessing Arabic information is more difficult than English. Making libraries fully accessible is still very new idea.
2. Accessibility issues 2.3 Access to the social environment SWVI struggled in accessing some university’s services. Universities did not know how to engage SWVI in the social activities. It is still believed that SWVI are incapable of doing what sighted students could do. Some universities do not offer enough social activities.
3. Exam accommodation and modification The accommodation most needed for exams: a test-writer; extra time; accessible exam material; and a separate quiet room. The modification most needed for exams: adjustment for the questions that contain images, tables and charts. Universities struggled to provide these services: A lack of clear policy. A lack of experienced support staff. A lack of experience from the lecturers.
4. Challenges in classroom Common challenges facing SWVI in classrooms: Taking lecture notes; Reading what the lecturers write on the board; Understanding images; Participating in the class activities; Finding a chair in the first row; and Socializing with the classmates.
5. Difficulties in studying certain subjects English; Mathematics and Computer represent the most problematic subjects. Lecturers of these subjects did not undertake training in accommodating SWVI. Most lecturers of these subjects relayed on board to explain their lectures.
6. Limitation in choosing the study area One third of the SWVI could not get into the majors they wanted to study. Examples: Physics, Television and Radio Broadcasting, Education, Business and Geology. These majors required studying subjects that based in visual information. Universities did not have enough experience in adjusting visual information. Some SWVI did not have adequate computer skills.
7. Personal challenges Severity of vision loss; Multiple personal challenges were found to have a strong influence on SWVIs’ development of educational abilities, including: Severity of vision loss; Deteriorating eye conditions; Health issues; Multiple disability states; Their own level of self- reliance; and Self-advocacy.
Universities’ efforts in accommodating SWVI All three universities established a disability department, two in 2010, and the third in 2015. One university established a policy for SWD in 2012. Two universities established an assistive technology room for SWVI. One university provided their SWVI with accessible study materials.
Challenges faced by universities in accommodating SWVI The universities faced three challenges: Lack of experienced staff; Lack of strong supportive policy; and Lack of dedicated budged for SWD.
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