Requirements for the Course
This semester you are supposed to submit two tasks: (1) in-class tasks and (2) mini research. There will be 4 in-class tasks. These tasks will be carried out and submitted in the class time. You can work in pairs or groups of 3 or 4 people.
You will be given some raw data, and you are supposed to analyze the data and interpret the analysis. a) Descriptive Statistics (Using excel) (10th March) b) Descriptive Statistics (Using SPSS) (24th March) c) Inferential Statistics (21st April) d) Factor Analysis (5th May)
2- Mini Research (60%) You will submit your mini research in 3 parts before you complete the whole on the Final Exam day (26th May)
a) Aim(s) and Research Question(s) (24th March) Aim of the Study: Write what you want to investigate. Write concise purpose statement. Research Questions and/or Hypotheses: This is a more specific form of your purpose statement; write your research questions and/or hypotheses as clearly and concisely as possible.
b) Introduction (including literature review) (14th April) Give some background information to the key ideas in your study, by referring to previous work related to your topic. You may also include theoretical conceptions that your study is based on. Keep in mind! When you cite other studies, indicate how related it is to your study. Use at least eight references. Write finalized aims(s) and research question(s) within this section.
c) Methodology (5th May) Research Design: Write what research design you are going to use (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, case study, experimental, correlational, etc.). While writing the research design, use specific terms related to the design. Participants: Write who your participants will be. Give information about them (e.g. age, education, etc.). Write your sampling procedure (what sampling method you are planning to you, why, etc.) Instrumentation: Write what instrument(s) you are planning to use. Use an existing instrument and describe it as clearly as possible (how many sections are there, rating procedure, etc.). Write how it is relevant to your study. Write how you are planning to check its reliability and validity in your context. Don’t forget to cite the original source of the instrument. Give the instrument as Appendix.
Procedural Details: Write in detail the procedures to be followed (what will you do, when, where, how). If you are planning to implement something (as in some case studies, or experimental studies), write your weekly plans and how you are going to do the implementation as well. Data Analysis: Write how you are going to analyze the data you have collected. Write each analysis method separately and give as much information as possible. Reliability/Trustworthiness: Write how you are planning to eliminate possible threats to the reliability/trustworthiness of your study.
Note that all your in-class tasks must be submitted in the class time. Results and conclusion parts of the mini-research will be completed in the class time on the final exam date (26th May). The revised versions of previous sections (Introduction and Methodology) will be sent until that date as digital copies. For Results and Conclusion only printed copy will be submitted. Late submissions without prior approval by me will NOT be accepted.
Assessment General: General quality of paper 15 pts Content and Organization: Introduction (Aim(s) and research question(s) and lit review) Methodology section 20 pts Margin, Citation, Punctuation and Bibliography (use of APA) Analysis Quality of analysis and findings Quality of conclusion TOTAL 100 PTS
Weekly Topics Feb. 24 Procedure Quantitative Research Methods Descriptive Statistics March 3 Sampling Questionnaire-1 March 10 In-class task 1 (descriptive statistics using Excel) March 17 Questionnaire-2 Analyzing articles with questionnaires Plagiarism March 24 In-class task 2 (descriptive statistics using SPSS) [Deadline for mini research-1 Aim(s) and Research Question(s)] March 31 Experimental Studies Inferential statistics used for experimental studies Analyzing articles with experimental studies April 7 NO CLASSES April 14 Correlational Studies Causal-Comparative Studies Analyzing articles with correlational/causal-comparative studies (Deadline for mini research-2: Intro including lit review-1-2 pages) April 21 (Cukurova University conference) 20-21 April to be discussed In-class task 3 (Inferential statistics) April 28 Single-subject study Validity & Reliability Issues in Quantitative Research Writing methodology section Interpreting data May 5 In-class task 4 (factor analysis) (Deadline for mini-research: methodology section) May 12 General Review May 26 Final Exam (mini research to be completed in class)