HSTS114 Official, Social & Economic Statistics
Official statistics statistics provided and published by the government agencies or other agencies or other public bodies such as international organizations. Why statistics constitute an integral part of results based national development. essential element in improving the ability of government and management in organizations to develop appropriate policies regarding some social, economic and political issues. help in the monitoring of events, such as standards of living, inflation, etc. Therefore meaningful planning requires availability of accurate statistical data.
Official agency responsible ZIMSTAT (formerly known as CSO) provide us with most of the official statistics. There are other organizations providing such data such as the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Department of Metrological Services, Department of Agriculture and Extension Services (AGRITEX), etc. Almost all countries in the world have one or more statistics agencies that supply decision – makers with relevant statistics.
ZIMSTAT is the main government agency collecting, analyzing, publishing and disseminating official statistics on demographic, social and economic data. In 2005 the government took a decision to make CSO a semi-autonomous agency to enhance the credibility and impartiality of official statistics. The decision led to the passing of the Census and Statistics Act (Chapter 10-29) No. 1/2007 that created ZIMSTAT. The operations of ZIMSTAT are underpinned by a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS).
Official statistics provide quantitative and qualitative data on all major areas of citizen’s lives, such as economic and social development, living conditions, health, education and environment.
ZIMSTAT Vision “To become a world class provider of official statistical information and services”. Mission Provision of timely, accurate, reliable and relevant statistics for evidence-based policy and decision making, using qualified, competent, motivated and professional staff and state of the art technology in response to the demands of our clients.
Values In carrying out their responsibilities, ZIMSTAT staff will be guided by the following shared values: User focus: All activities of the NSS shall aim at understanding and meeting data needs and expectations of users. Integrity and credibility: To create and maintain public trust in official statistics by fully exercising professional independence and by proactively promoting best practices, including transparency, in data production and dissemination. Quality consciousness: To develop and maintain a system-wide quality culture, through innovation, research and creativity to produce value-added products and services, and by developing frameworks for assessing and enhancing the quality of such products and services.
ZIMSTAT is made up of 5 divisions: C:\Users\dell\Dropbox\UZ\HSTS114\Zimstat divisions.docx
The functions of ZIMSTAT are: Conduct national census or any other censuses and surveys in terms of sections 12 and 13, Co-ordinate and supervise the National Statistics System, Advise the Government on all matters relating to statistics, Develop and promote the use of statistical standards and appropriate methodologies in the National Statistical System (NSS), Collect, compile, analyse, interpret, publish and disseminate statistical information alone or in cooperation with other Government Ministries or institutions,
Develop and maintain a central business register in relation to establishments, containing such particulars as may be prescribed, Develop and maintain a comprehensive national statistics database, Provide a focal point of contact with international agencies on statistical matters, and Perform any other functions that may be conferred or imposed upon the Agency by this ACT or any other enactments.
The National Statistics System National statistics system means: (a) a group of all stakeholders involved in the production of official statistics, whether in their capacity as users or producers of statistics or statistical trainers and researchers or as bulk supplier of data. (b) the manner in which the stakeholders referred to in (a) relate to each other and the agency in the production of official statistics. (c) the rules governing the designing of producers of official statistics.
Questions How can the NSS be strengthened? Who should be the NSS membership? Who are the statistics stakeholders in Zim?